Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Poor Choices

John 12:37-50

As I read this passage, I just feel the heartbreak of Jesus. Such an intense rejection must have grieved his soul! He offered freedom, but they wanted slavery. He offered light, but they wanted darkness. Unbelievable that man would choose so poorly! In spite of all the signs, the healing, the bread, the resurrection, still there was disbelief. Why? What was the problem? 

Some believed but were afraid of the Pharisees, afraid they would lose the privilege of the synagogue and their own crafted religious system. But the sad thing is that their time in the synagogue was devoid of truth. They lost the most important thing, the true reality for something vacuous and false. 
Others refused because they loved the glory of man more than the glory of God. How heartbreaking that they would reject the God of the universe for the applause of man, the most fickle being on earth! What an indictment! 

Then in v. 44 it says that Jesus cried out. He didn't just speak, but from His agony of soul He uttered great truth. Whoever would believe in Jesus would believe in God, the One who sent Him, the One who had reached out to man to offer a way out of darkness. He sent Jesus, the light of men to shine a light on the darkness of sin and point the way to the Father. Even in the rejection, Jesus did not judge. But the words that He had spoken would judge on that day. The words that they had heard but not believed had come from the Father, and in these words was and still is eternal life. They were so close but yet so far away! The decision was so simple but yet so difficult! They were willing to eat His bread and have their physical bodies healed, but not willing to believe His words! How selfish, grasping, and indulging! 

I believe Jesus' words, yet in my heart I see remnants of my old nature. I still see my own rank selfishness trying to control and dictate my actions. Keep speaking Your words to my inner man. Keep strengthening me with Your grace. I need You constantly. Help me to make right choices.
In Jesus' name,

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