Friday, May 30, 2014

A Prayer

Eph. 3: 20-21
Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly that all that we could ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen

What a powerful prayer precedes this closing! Paul begins in v. 14 where he bows his knee before the Father. By sharing his posture before God, he is demonstrating the humility that all Christians should have when they come face to face with God. To make the realization of God's sovereignty even stronger, he refers to God naming every family in heaven and on earth. It is this sovereign God that all Christians must come to in an attitude of humility knowing that all we have is from Him.   

He prays that God, out of His great riches, will grant believers to be strengthened in their inner being. Without this strength [grace] that comes totally from God, Christ would not be able to dwell in our hearts through faith. He gives us the strength, the grace, the faith, and all that is necessary for Christ to dwell in our lives. 

Even though as believers, we are rooted and grounded in His love [because of Jesus], Paul prays for our strength to be able to comprehend the love of Christ, a love that surpasses knowledge. Jesus' love is not just a fact, it is a relationship. And even more than that, it is the way we are filled with all the fullness of God. How amazing is that! Can we ever comprehend fully the love of Christ? I am thinking that will be something that I grow into until Jesus calls me home, and I meet Him face to face.

Paul ends the prayer by circling back to the sovereignty of God, a God who can do abundantly more than we could ask or think. And how can He do this? Through the power at work within us. It is already here. Oh, if I could truly live with an understanding of this great power within me. He closes with the glory that belongs only to God. His glory is in Christ Jesus, who came to earth, died, was resurrected, ascended on high, and reconciled man and to God making this prayer a reality, and in the church, which is the body of Christ, the bride of Christ, the firstborn among many brothers, and  the body of believers. Certainly, it is throughout all generations forever, and ever. Amen.

I ask you to teach me how to understand the love of Christ. Help me to live according to the power at work within me. I give You praise for Christ Jesus and for the church. Thank You for so very much.
In Jesus,

Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Mystery

Eph. 3:6
This mystery is that the Gentiles are fellow heirs, members of the same body, and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel. 

Paul was called to be an apostle on behalf of the Gentiles, in so doing, he was given the stewardship of grace that was for the Gentiles. He received the mystery [that he was to share] by revelation [by Christ Jeusu]. The mystery was this: the Gentiles are fellow heirs [with Israel, the chosen people of God], members of the same body[ the body of Christ], and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel, great and precious promises that make us partakers of the divine nature. What grace is this! Amazing!

Paul's ministry was to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ not in his own strength but according to the working of His power, a strength and power that was obvious wherever Paul preached. His  ministry occupied all of his time. Jesus and Him crucified was constantly on His lips. In addition, he was to reveal the plan of the mystery. God's eternal purpose was realized in Christ Jesus [whom Paul served and preached]. This was no after thought. It was His purpose from eternity and to eternity. In Christ we have boldness and access with confidence through out faith in Him. As Paul was bold so should the believers be! Jesus Christ and Him crucified should fill our lives!

Thank You for Your eternal purpose intersecting with my life.  Give me Your boldness to share the gospel and to come to You. I confess a great lack of boldness.
In Jesus name,

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Eph. 2:20 b-21
...Christ  Jesus Himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. 

In this passage, the old life and the new life are contrasted. Why? Perhaps it is to remind me of my past so that I might rejoice in the present!
In the past:
  • I was a Gentile in the flesh
  • I was called the uncircumcision [made in the flesh by hands]
  • I was alienated from the commonwealth of Israel
  • I was a stranger to the covenants of promise
  • I had no hope without God in the world
  • I was far off
  • I was a stranger and alien
But now:
  • I am in Christ Jesus
  • I have been brought near by the blood of Christ
  • He is my peace
  • He has broken down the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing the law and ordinances
  • He has created in Himself one new man so making peace
  • I am reconciled to God through the cross killing the hostility
  • I am a fellow citizen with the saints and the members of the household of God. 
  • I have access by one Spirit to the Father
  • My life is built on the foundation of the apostles Christ Jesus the cornerstone
  • I am growing into a holy temple in the Lord
  • In Him I am being built into a dwelling place for the Spirit of God
What a transformation! God has stripped away what is binding and enslaving to give me what is freeing in Him and in the Spirit. 

Thank You for this great transformation! Thank You for giving me Jesus so that I might be united to You.
In Jesus name,

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Eph. 2:8-9
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 

My salvation is a glorious thing to consider. Initially, I was dead in sin, and I walked as the world did, following Satan who is currently at work in the disobedient. In this state, I lived in the passions of my flesh, obeying my own desires for my body and mind. I was by nature wrathful like so many of those around me. Not a pretty picture! 

But God...such wonderful words. He acted in opposition to my nature, and in His great mercy and love, made me alive in Christ. Wow! It was by His grace that I was saved out of sin and given new life so that in the coming ages I might be raised up and seated with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. It is always because I am in Christ. Why? So that God might show me His immeasurable riches of His grace and kindness to me in Christ Jesus. What a hope is this! 

For by grace I have been saved through faith, a state totally free from anything I might do. The grace and faith are both gifts of God. Why? To eliminate human boasting and promote humility, an understanding of my state apart from God. For I am His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that I should walk in them. I am created and saved for a purpose, not merely to be God's child [which is huge] , but so I might walk in my God-prepared good works. Quite a life change from my unsaved and ungodly state! My salvation saved my soul, transformed my nature, created me in Christ Jesus, and continually orders my daily life. It is all encompassing and only possible l because I am in Christ!

Thank You for the gifts of grace and faith and for making me over in Jesus. Strengthen me and guide me in the way of the good works you have prepared for me. Help me to understand salvation and how it affects my life practically. 
In Christ Jesus,

Monday, May 26, 2014

Wisdom and the Revelation of the Knowledge of Jesus Christ

Eph. 1:17
That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him. 

Paul wanted the Ephesians to know what he prayed for them. Perhaps because his prayers are loaded with teaching. And in light of their faith and their love for one another, Paul was overjoyed. He continues to uphold them before the Father asking for a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. This wisdom and revelation would mean a total change in world view, and in their everyday living. They would see life through the lens of Christ. What is included in this wisdom and knowledge?

As their eyes are enlightened, they will know the hope to which He has called you, what are the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His great might, that He worked in Christ when He raise Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places. Wow!

First, the hope. As He called us, saving and sanctifying us, He has also given us hope, a hope that is not in something that we can see or touch, but a hope for what is to come. .There is one body and one Spirit--just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call. This hope is Jesus coming back for us and taking us home to heaven with Him. It is a glorious hope!

Secondly, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints. This is not an inheritance for us. Instead it means we are God's inheritance. How mind-boggling is that! He certainly has blessed believers in phenomenal  ways, ways that are based in His unending grace. Just knowing the truth of this statement should  certainly change the way that we think and act.

Thirdly, His power toward us. What power? Resurrection power! In Christ we are resurrected in new life and for new life in Christ. We begin to know and understand His great power in us. II Cor. 12:9 says His power is perfected in weakness because when we are weak, then we are strong. God does not desire us to summon up our strength and resolve, but He does want us to rely on His power working in us. Just think for a moment, God's power and strength vs. our power and strength. It's a no-brainer! Imagine this. He would put His Spirit within us as our power source, our guide, our all in all. No imagining is necessary, it's true! In Eph. 3:20 it says, Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us,,, There it is the power at work within us! Because of this power God is able to do things that are without the realm of our thoughts and desires.

No wonder Paul prayed for the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. Without His granting us the wisdom and knowledge of Christ, the hope, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, and His power toward us would remain unknowable. So if we desire these blessings, we need to pray, for ourselves and for one another, this same prayer. With enlightened eyes, we can see the spiritual promises. They can have a meaning apart from the words.They can unleash the working of His great power in us. 

This is my prayer as well. Grant me this hope, the understanding of what it means to be your inheritance, and Your power toward me. Help me to live completely in Your grace filled with Your Spirit. I know that my flesh still grabs hold of me so often. Strengthen me so that I can withstand and stand firm in You.
In His name,

Saturday, May 24, 2014

To the Praise of His Glory!

Eph. 1:14b the praise of His glory.

Such amazing blessings abound for the believer:
  • The father has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.
  • He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless before Him.
  • In love, He predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ according to His will. and to the praise of His grace He blessed us in the Beloved. 
  • In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins according to His grace.
  • In Christ is wisdom, insight, and grace, all to show us the mystery of His will.
  • This mystery is the plan to unite all things in Him, in heaven and on earth. 
  • In Him we have an inheritance.
  • In Him we are sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, our guarantee until we acquire it.
These blessings are only in and through Jesus Christ. What a great Savior! It truly is horrendous to think of life without Christ: no spiritual blessings, no being chosen, no adoption, no redemption or forgiveness, no wisdom, insight and grace, no unity with heaven, no inheritance, and no seal of the Spirit. We would be stripped of all that is meaningful and lasting in out lives. How amazing is His great grace! And all to the praise of His glory

What a glorious list is this! My heart is full of praise and thanksgiving. Make me aware of who and what I am as I live each day.
In His name,

Friday, May 23, 2014

Final Words

Gal. 6:14
But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. 

Paul completed the letter to the Galatians with  several great principles for Christian living. 
  • If a brother is caught in sin, the spiritual brothers should restore him in gentleness. All the while keeping watch over their souls as well. In no way does this speak of a judgmental attitude, but instead one of love and concern for their own spiritual condition as well. 
  • Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ. We are all part of the body of Christ. No one should think better of himself, but instead help his brother in love. Come alongside. Be the hands of Christ to those who are struggling. 
  • God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also  reap. If one sows to the flesh, he or she will reap the flesh,  but the one who sows to the Spirit, will reap eternal life. Because of this believers should seize every opportunity to do good to everyone, especially believers.
  • Far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the word. Neither circumcision or uncircumcision [religious rules or empty ritual] count for nothing, only being a new creation in Christ. This was Paul's life, all in Christ. This must be my life. All in for Christ! Paul went on to state that he bore the marks of Jesus on his body. What a declaration and evidence of a life lived right. What marks are upon my body? Does the world see Jesus when they look at me?
Final words and thoughts are always so important. It is usually the thing that the reader remembers most clearly. In this case, Paul has flooded the believer's thinking with concepts crucial to his or her spiritual growth. Concepts that are essential for Christian living.

Help me to have a gentle and caring spirit toward others. Give me the strength to bear burdens without judging. Focus my life on Jesus Christ and not on the world. Give me Your grace and strength to be all in for Jesus.
In His name,

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Walking and Living by the Spirit

Gal. 5:15
But I say, walk by the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.

Walking by the Spirit and walking in the flesh do not peacefully coexist. Either one or the other will take over your life. The desires of the flesh are opposed to the Spirit in purpose, in power, and in application. To walk by the Spirit is not a mystery. It is clearly stated: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Walking by the Spirit is visible in the way that believers think, feel, and act. The Spirit controls the life so that the life will be to the praise of God. 

How is this possible? Is it by human will? No, And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. New life comes out of death. The old must be crucified, put to death for the new to grow and flourish. Certainly living by the Spirit is as important as walking by the Spirit. The phrase Walking by the Spirit' has a slightly different meaning. It means to walk in line behind a leader. Christ is that leader and  believers must walk in line behind Him, following His commands and letting His Spirit control our lives. 

Give me Your strength to dethrone my flesh. I want to walk by Your Spirit as well as live by Your Spirit. Make me aware of the sin that seeks to unseat your Spirit.
In Jesus name,

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Daughter and Heir

Gal. 4:4-7
But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law,  to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!" So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.

God operates in the fullness of  His time. His will and purpose are not confined by my understanding of time. As it is, I see only short-term time, things that have happened in the past and what is happening now. I have an idea about the future, but that is very changeable. His timing often extends beyond my life. So that in my perception I see only a small part of what God is trying to do. This is why faith is 100% necessary. I must trust Him in whatever comes about in my life no matter how hard, perplexing, or devastating. 

But one thing that I know about God's timing is that He reached down to humanity when He sent Jesus, His Son to be born physically to redeem all of us who were bound by sin. In 33 short years, Jesus changed the course of time as humans understand it. For those who believe in Jesus, [what He said, how He lived, how He died,  how He rose again, how He ascended to the Father, and how He is coming again to claim those who are His own],there is an adoption, an adoption as sons. Adoption carries with it the  meaning of choice. The Father, in the fullness of His time, sent His son to redeem us and provide a way for us to be His sons and daughters. Because I am His child, I can call Him, Abba, Father. I can be intimate and personal with the Creator of the universe, with the God who set all time and events in motion, and with the God who has a special purpose for my life. So I am no longer a slave to sin, but because of God's timing, I am a daughter and an heir. Wow! 

What glorious words! A daughter and an heir! I am so thankful that you opened the way for me to come to you personally. You are my Abba Father. Grow me into what that really means. Teach me to trust in You for all things that come into my life. I want Your timing to be my timing.
In Jesus name and power,

Monday, May 19, 2014


Gal. 3: 26
For in Christ Jesus you all sons of God through faith.

What an amazing fact! It is true! It is real! Before faith came [and was offered as a free gift], I was imprisoned under the law because the law revealed my sin. In myself I could do nothing righteous. My flesh did not allow for me to obey it in its entirety or even in part. But that was God's plan! The law emphasized my need for a Savior, so that when Christ came, I could go to Him for salvation. Christ is faith! Receiving Christ means receiving faith.  Now that I am in Christ, I no longer need the law to live. I have put on Christ, and in Him, all believers are made one. There are no more divisions, no Jew, Greek, slave, free, male, or female. Wow! In Christ I am all that I can be, all that I would ever want to be, and all that God sees in me. And if I am Christ's [which I am], then I too am Abraham's offspring and heirs according to promise. In Christ the past, the present, and the future become one all to the praise of His glory.

Such a wondrous gift was faith, faith in Christ. I know I am Christ's. In Your eyes You see me covered in the righteousness of Christ. But I ask that you would grant me to walk worthy of the call to which I have been called. 
In Jesus name and His great power,

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Christ Lives in Me

Gal. 2:19-21
 For through the law I died to the law, so that I might live to God. I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose.

Paul was addressing the area of Judaism, the area of Gentiles having to become circumcised. He pointed out that with God there is no partiality whether one is uncircumcised or circumcised. In Christ we have been set free the law. Paul even went so far as to call down Peter at one point, saying,  But when I saw that their conduct was not in step with the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas before them all, "If you, though a Jew, live like a Gentile and not like a Jew, how can you force the Gentiles to live like Jews?" What a powerful question! How wonderful to have one's own life totally in agreement with the truth of the gospel! Shouldn't we as believers today be just as strong about the truth of the gospel as Paul was? Perhaps the problem is that we don't always know the truth of the gospel. What a shame to have the Truth in written word and in the indwelling Christ at our ready access and yet be so truly unknown in our hearts and in our heads!

Even though Paul and Peter were Jews by birth and not Gentile sinners, they fully knew that their salvation was by faith in Jesus. Faith not works! In essence the law died so that many might live to God. Paul stated clearly that through this very same law, he was able to die to the law in order that he could live to Jesus. Like Paul, I too must say,  I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose. What a blessing from the Father of all blessings! 

How mind-altering is it to realize the Christ lives in me and I in Him. My life is nothing without Jesus! And my life in the present and the future [until I am called home] is only through faith in Jesus and in the grace that He has so freely gives.  Adding any human tradition or works-oriented salvation would only nullify the cross and the death of Jesus which came at such great cost. It would be trampling over the glorious grace of God, the grace that is the believer's all-sufficiency. To the praise of His glory!

Thank You for Jesus, for faith, for salvation, and for Your amazing grace. You have transformed my life. Give me Your strength to see You for all I need to grow in grace. 
In Jesus name,

Friday, May 16, 2014

Pleasing God or Pleasing Man

Gal. 1:10
For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.

There it is so very plainly spoken! Pleasing man and pleasing God are polar opposites! Paul could go far as to say that he did not even preach man's gospel, but his gospel was through a revelation of Jesus Christ. His life before Christ was one of great zeal in advancing the traditions of his fathers. But that all changed when he met Jesus. Paul had been set apart by God before he was born. It was this same God who called Paul by His grace and revealed to Paul His Son. All this so that he might preach the gospel to the Gentiles! [I praise Him for this!]  His reputation was now drastically changed. Before he was known as a persecutor of believers but now he is known as a preacher of the faith he once tried to destroy. Paul's choice was clear. Pleasing man was not even in his mindset, instead he was a servant of Christ who followed wherever the Spirit led him. In no way, shape, or form did Paul seek the approval of man or try to please man. .Does this go for all those who profess the faith? Yes! The decision is clear. Who do I seek to please?

I know that You set me apart before I was born. You chose and called me to be Your servant. Keep my spiritual eyes clear so that I may see who I am pleasing.  
In Jesus name,

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Rooster

Mk. 14:72
And immediately the rooster crowed a second time. And Peter remembered how Jesus had said to him, 'Before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times.' And he broke down and wept.

Jesus has been taken before the high priest, the scribes, and the elders. What a company of self-important men! While Jesus was inside, Peter was outside warming himself at a fire. Obviously, these men of great importance were seeking testimony against Jesus, but none of the testimony they heard made sense or followed logically. So finally they asked Jesus, Are you the Christ, the son of the blessed? Jesus replied, I am, and you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven. The high priests called his words blasphemy, and they condemned him to death. As if that were not enough, they began to spit on him and to strike him with many blows.

But where was Peter in all this? He was close by sitting with the guards when a servant girl identified him as one of Christ's followers. But he denied it! As he began to leave, the rooster crowed. [Just a little reminder!] The servant girl saw him again and proclaimed to the bystanders that Peter was as a follower of Christ. Again he denied it! And a little later, the bystanders approached him who said he was one of them since he was a Galilean, But this time Peter's response was  intense and not only did he invoke a curse on himself but he also swore that he did not know Jesus. Immediately the rooster crowed again. At that moment Peter remembered what Christ had told him. 'Before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times. He broke down and wept. I am sure these tears were one of unbelievable bitterness.

Peter would have never believed that he could fall so low as to deny Christ 3 times. He had foolishly declared that he would die with Christ before he would ever deny Christ. But what had undone him? Fear. What an ugly monster fear is! It takes away our best resolves and force us into situations that we could never imagine. His life illustrates so well what happens to a believer when they are relying on themselves and not on Christ. In Christ is our identity, our peace, our strength, and even our resolves. 

Open my eyes to see clearly when I am drifting away from my power source. I know I am in Christ, but yet my life doesn't always show this. Unite my heart to fear you name and to follow You always. 
In Jesus name,

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Lord's Anointed

2 Sam. 1:13-15
And David said to the young man who told him, "Where do you come from?" And he answered, "I am the son of a sojourner, an Amalekite."  David said to him, "How is it you were not afraid to put out your hand to destroy the LORD's anointed?"  Then David called one of the young men and said, "Go, execute him." And he struck him down so that he died.

From a human standpoint, the man who brought the news of Saul's death and returned the armlet and  crown to David, looked like he was doing a good thing. He thought that David would want to know, and in fact, he would be happy to hear the news since Saul had pursued him for so long. After hearing the report of the battle, David  asked how he could know for sure that Saul was dead. The man  told him the circumstances. As he came to Mt. Gilboa, he saw Saul leaning on his spear with the enemy close at hand. Saul cried out and asked the man to stand beside him and  kill him which he did because he was mortally wounded. Since he had done as Saul requested, he took the crown and armlet to bring to David. It sounded like he performed a service to Saul and to David, a service that he thought could possibly bring him a reward. 

Initially, David tore his clothing and mourned and fasted for Saul, Jonathan, and the people of Israel,  as did all of his men. Afterward, David had another conversation with the man, who was a sojourner, the son of an Amalekite. He asked if he was not afraid to strike down the Lord's anointed. Without even allowing an answer, David called a young man to execute him that very day. David's action not only revealed that he wasn't involved with the death of Sau, and it showed how his heart was obedient to God. Certainly his response to this man revealed his heart. He deeply mourned Saul and Jonathan because, in spite of all Saul had done, he did not seek vengeance against Saul, a man who had pursued him and sought to kill him repeatedly. He himself had had opportunities to take Saul's life but he had not. He knew he could not and should not take the life of God's anointed. 

Help me cling to Your words as closely as David did.even when my human reasoning might say something different. Teach me Your way and Your thoughts. Help me to grow closer to You. 
In His name,

Monday, May 12, 2014

Grace for Weakness

2 Cor. 12:9-10
 But he said to me, " But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.  For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

Paul realized that human boasting was of no count even though he had much to boast about. So much so that when he spoke of his experience with Christ, he did not us personal pronouns. He called himself, a man in Christ. He did recount that this man [Paul] was caught up into paradise where he heard things that were unrepeatable. For a moment he says that on this man [Paul] he would boast, but then immediately he restates that he would only boast in his weaknesses. Boasting seems to be a part of man that is hard to subdue. But God took care of this boasting spirit in Paul by giving him a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass him, to keep him from becoming conceited. He pleaded 3 times for this thorn to be removed, but each time God said no. But God did say, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.  For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong. What a strong answer! Paul [as am I] was to boast only in his weaknesses for all else was of grace. Any insight, teaching, good works, doctrine, anything that would be noteworthy in Paul was all of grace. The only thing that Paul could claim was weakness. In fact, he was content in any and all weakness because there the grace of God reigned supreme.

Thank You for such amazing grace. Help me to claim Your strength in my weakness. Reveal to me the pride within and grant me repentance.
In Jesus name,

Sunday, May 11, 2014


2 Cor. 11:13-15
 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ.  And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.

If a person is outwardly what they are inwardly, things would be so much easier to understand. But Satan doesn't operate that way. He uses disguises and snares to tempt us when we least expect it. Paul had personally witnessed false apostles, deceitful workmen who worked under the guise of Christ. He had been in danger from his own people as well as false brothers. What is their purpose? By any means possible, they want to reduce the effectiveness of believers, to make them doubt their mission, and to cause disharmony within the body. Clearly they are followers of Satan who constantly disguises himself as a angel of light. How sneaky is this warfare. 

2 Cor. 10: 3-6 explains more clearly Satan's purpose.For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete. So what do I need to do in this battle? Take every thought captive to Christ. That allows for no doubt, worry, fear, strife, or sin. It keeps me synced with my power source. 

Paul states clearly at the end of chapter 11 that his boast is in the things that show his weakness. Because when he is weak, then he is strong through Christ. Christ is all sufficient one who can guide and fight for every believer as well as with every believers. 

To boast in my weakness is hard. I ask for Your strength to stand firm and not seek to fight in my own strength. Through Your Spirit, teach me to stand firm, resisting the devil.
In Jesus name,

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Good and Evil

Mk. 14:9
And truly I say to you, wherever the gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her.

The responses of people to Jesus are so vivid. Either they love Him or hate Him. Of course, there are always those who try and ride the fence. I think they might have a surprise waiting for them when Jesus comes for His own. But on to the story. Jesus was at the house of Simon reclining at the table. A woman came into the room with an alabaster flask of ointment of pure nard, very costly. She broke the flask and poured it on Jesus' head. As the people watched, some thought it was a waste and could have been sold for much more and used to meet the needs of the poor [fence riders who do not see clearly what is going on]. So they scolded the woman. But Jesus spoke out against their comments by telling them that the poor would always be with them, but He would not be.They were in the presence of Jesus, but not yet seeing who He was. He told them to leave her alone. He went on to add that she had prepared his body for burial. Did His audience even grasp those words? Contrary to their thinking, Jesus felt she had done a beautiful thing. Wherever the gospel was proclaimed, her story would be told creating an enduring memory. We can see clearly her love and devotion to Christ, and also see the response of those in the room, certainly confused and earthly minded. Perhaps at this time, they were the fence riders. But immediately following this, Judas went to the chief priests to betray Jesus.His was a response of total hatred. He had walked with Jesus without his heart being engaged at all. The priests were so happy with Judas' words that they paid him money, but immediately began to make their plans to get rid of Jesus. Judas, with his heart full of evil, joined forces with those who were evil as well. 

In these few verses, the heart of man is clearly revealed. Love and devotion to Him was not clearly understood by many, but for one it was glorious. But also there are the ones who seem to understand enough to reject it wholeheartedly. So sad! It speaks clearly to the human heart. What do I value and cherish? Does my love for Jesus supersede my worldly thinking? I know I am in the world, but do I live and love like I am not of the world?

I choose Jesus. Reveal to me when my thinking goes astray. Through your grace, grow me in wisdom and in the revelation of the knowledge of Jesus. 
In His name,

Thursday, May 8, 2014


2 Cor. 10:5-6
For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete. 

Paul's weapons are not of this world. Even though he is in the flesh, he does not battle according to the flesh. His battle is spiritual. He desires to teach the Corinthian believers about the true battle that all Christians fight. In the Spirit and in Christ believers we can fight against all the forces of evil. The believer must constantly be aware of the battle and know which weapons are at his disposal. The power at work within us helps us to destroy fleshly and Satanic strongholds. We can destroy arguments and opinions that man raises against the knowledge of God. We must take every thought captive as we obey Christ. We must be aware of the sin that so often defeats us and be ready to punish disobedience so that we continue to grow in Christ. These words are hard and even scary, but better to know that to be taken down.

Reveal to me what is in my mind that does not please you. Give me Your grace so that I may take captive every thought, the ones I purposely think and the ones that flit across my mind without my awareness. I know Satan is sneaky so open my eyes to see his snares. Keep me ever close to You.
In Jesus name,

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


2 Cor. 9:6
The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.

God has not commanded us to give a certain amount, but instead gives us opportunities to meet others' needs by giving. It seems as if this giving is more like giving generously and not worrying about saving for a rainy day. It is not maintained by human calculation but by the leading of the Spirit. It means receiving generously not necessarily in money but in rich blessings from the Lord. Our joy, thanksgiving, and love will be so  increased and will result in praise to the Lord. 

Paul encourages the people to give as they have decided in their hearts, not reluctantly or under compulsion. The heart attitude must accompany the gift. God loves a cheerful giver! and why? Because all that we have is given to us by Him. We need not fear that we will be left with nothing if we give much away. God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all thing at all times, you may abound in every good work. God will give us all we need for all that He has called us to do! He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiple your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness. This giving calls for trust! He has promised that we will be enriched in every way! Our giving and thanksgiving will bring glory to God. 

Grow my heart in generosity, in meeting needs of the saints. Help me to trust You without worry. I know that You are in control of everything so build my faith in You.
In Jesus name,

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


2 Cor. 8: 7
But as you excel in everything--in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in all earnestness, and in our love for you--see that you excel in this act of grace also.

What act of grace is referenced in this verse? Paul referred to the churches in Macedonia [Phillipi, Thessalonica, and Berea]. They had demonstrated a gift of grace through their giving. Although they were in a severe test of affliction, their joy and extreme poverty overflowed in a wealth of generosity. Out of poverty and affliction they gave! Normally, when poverty and affliction come we hunker down, holding on to what little we have so that we might be prepared for whatever comes our way. We often pray that God will give us help, that He will take us out of the pressures and poverty, but these believers did no such thing, they gave according to their means and beyond their means! They begged earnestly for the favor of giving to the relief of the saints! How amazing! What an attitude! They gave themselves first to the Lord, and then by the will of God, to others. What an example! Paul then exhorts the Corinthian believers to excel not just in faith, speech, and knowledge, but also in giving. But how? Paul directed their thoughts to Jesus, though He was rich, He became poor so that His followers could become rich. It was out of the riches of His grace that their hearts could give, and it is out of this grace that our hearts should be changed from self-seeking and self-protecting to giving and thinking of others. 

This exhortation reminds me of the widow's offering. Many rich people gave large sums, but it was still out of their abundance. Contrastingly, a poor widow came up and put in 2 small, copper coins which make a penny. Not much at all! Jesus then gathered His disciples around Him and said, Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on. So much like the Macedonian Christians! What a gift of grace is the joy of giving all even when it belies human logic!

You have given me 2 examples of giving. I confess when I am hard pressed, I don't fell like giving. But change my heart. Help me to give my all, in affliction and in poverty.
In Jesus name,

Monday, May 5, 2014


2 Cor. 7:1
Since we have these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit, bringing holiness to completion in the fear of God. 

Since we have what promises? As I look back to the preceding chapter, I read, we are the temple of God...I will make my dwelling among them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people...I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty. What unbelievable promises are these! Who could ask for anything more? God Himself will dwell among His people. We shall become sons and daughters to God Almighty. What a transformation! Truly we have been transferred from the domain of darkness to the kingdom of the Beloved Son.

But in light of these promises, believers need to cleanse all sin of the body and spirit. Sin is heinous to God. It violates all that He is and seeks to do us in. We need to have His attitude toward our sin, to be repulsed, to find sin abhorrent. God has called us to holiness which is competed in the fear of God. What is holiness? Realizing and living like the new creation that we have become, living like an ambassador for Christ, living like the love of Christ constrains us, living like we are groaning for our heavenly dwelling, living like we are always hopeful, living like the pain in this life is a momentary light affliction preparing us for the eternal weight of glory, living like our jars of clay show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us, living like the light of God is shining out of our lives, living like we are being transformed into the image of the Son from one degree of glory to another, living like we are free in the Spirit, living like our sufficiency is from the Lord, living like we are the aroma of Christ to God to the saved and the unsaved,  living like all the promises of God are Yes in Him,  and living like God's seal is upon us through the Spirit our guarantee. How rich is this book! So much to realize and apply!

Grow me in these great truths and promises. Help them to flow out of me like they should. Thank You for making me Your child and for transforming my life.
In His name,

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Widen Your Hearts

2 Cor. 6:11-13
We have spoken freely to you, Corinthians; our heart is wide open. You are not restricted by us, but you are restricted by your own affections. In return (I speak as to children) widen your hearts also.

Paul pleads with the people not to receive the grace of God in vain. What does he mean? How would it be in vain? He shares the example of His life and the others who worked with him saying that they have put no obstacle in Corinthians way and no fault could be found with their ministry. The problem in these people is not Paul and his team, but in the people themselves. 

Paul illustrates his claims with a massive list of how they ministered to the people. This then was their model or example:by great endurance, in afflictions, hardships, calamities, beatings, imprisonments, riots, labors, sleepless nights, hunger; by purity, knowledge, patience, kindness, the Holy Spirit, genuine love;  by truthful speech, and the power of God; with the weapons of righteousness for the right hand and for the left;  through honor and dishonor, through slander and praise. We are treated as impostors, and yet are true;  as unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and behold, we live; as punished, and yet not killed;  as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, yet possessing everything. How powerful is this! With a teacher such as this you would think they would be on fire for the Lord. But yet not so!

Paul had spoken freely to the Corinthians saying that they were not restricted by him, but they had restricted themselves by their own affections. How revealing! They were not growing and had even gone so far the other way that they treating the grace of God shamefully. Their own affections valued what the world had to offer instead of the grace of God. Paul calls on them to widen their hearts. Enlarge their spiritual awareness and their ability to receive what God had to give them. How would they do this? Apparently the first area was being unequally yoked with the world. He asked some very pointed questions that needed no verbal response. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial?  Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever? What agreement has the temple of God with idols? NONE!  We are the temple of God. God has made His dwelling place within us. He is our father, we are His children. How glorious is that! How utterly foolish is man's love of the world! How small are our hearts. 

Widen my heart. Grow my container. Help me to receive all the grace that you have for me. Open my eyes to the snares of the world. Give me Your strength to resist the temptations that the world offers.
In Jesus name,

Saturday, May 3, 2014


2 Cor. 5:20
Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ, God making His appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. 

Paul compared our individual lives to a tent, and in this earthly tent we groan, longing to put on our heavenly dwelling. When this happens, our mortal beings will take on immortality. The importance of this is further emphasized because the Father has given us the Spirit as a guarantee. There is no doubt! This will happen!  

So then this is our encouragement. Whether we are at home here in the body or there in our heavenly body, we make it our aim to please Him. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil. What we do in this life counts for eternity. Paul goes on to say, knowing the fear of the Lord, we persuade others. And how do we take on this task? For the love of Christ controls us... One man died for all men, and in His death we die to the flesh, but more than that, He died that we might not live for ourselves, but for Him who died and-was raised. 

In light of all this, we know that those who are in Christ are new creations. The old has passed away and the new has replaced it. Jesus transferred us from the domain of darkness to the kingdom of the Beloved Son. All this is from God who has given us the ministry of reconciliation. We are reconciled to God and in our spreading the gospel others may be reconciled as well. Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ, God making His appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. 

Thank You for making me Your ambassador. Give me Your strength and courage to share this message of reconciliation. Teach me how to be Your ambassador.
In Jesus name,