Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Woman's Role

I Tim. 2: 11
Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness.
In chap. 2 Paul gave instructions to women about their appearance and their behavior. However, he began this teaching with a statement about men: I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling; likewise also the women....Prayer and unity are of ultra importance to men as well as to women. As men and women lift holy hands in prayer, their spirits are seeking God and their hearts are free of sin. No doubt Paul wanted women to receive this teaching  in an attitude of prayer and unity, and he wanted men to be godly in their authority over women. So much of what a married woman thinks and does is related to how she is valued and treated by her husband.
As far as dress, women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair, gold, pearls, or costly attire but with what is proper for women who profess godliness--with good works. Is Paul speaking about excesses of dress, style, or appearance? I think that the principle he is teaching is one of modesty and self-control. If I am modest in appearance, I will be respectable, free from outlandish and provocative styles. My dress and appearance should reflect Jesus Christ since my body is His temple. As a godly woman, I should be known much more by my good works than the excesses of my physical appearance. Spending time doing good works would definitely limit the time spent on appearance. So the aim of a godly woman is godliness, good works, modesty, and self-control. Her money and resources are not spent on costly attire but on the things that will count for eternity, her growth in the Lord, and on her personal character.
As far as behavior within the body, women should learn quietly and submissively exercising no authority over a man. What is the reason for this? Eve was deceived by Satan and sinned by her disobedience. Did her actions reveal something crucial about the perceptions and character of women? Apparently so. I think it also reflects the order of authority within the body of Christ; Christ, man, women. Each one in a specific place, not inferior but different in function. For instance and by way of example, Christ was submissive to His father. Even though He was God, He willingly humbled Himself. Just as women are submissive to their husbands so too all members of the body of Christ are submissive to each other and submissive to God. Submission and surrender are of key importance for growth and holiness in the life of a believer.
In summary, a woman's appearance must reflect her heart for God, her good works, modesty, and self-control. In addition, her position in the body must be one of submission to her husband and to God.
Submission, good works, modesty and self-control are all identifying marks of a believer and especially of a godly woman.
Grow me into the woman you desire me to be. Teach me more about submission to You and to John.
In Jesus name,

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