Thursday, October 4, 2012

Ps. 103:1-2
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul and forget not all His benefits...
In this beautiful psalm, David opens his heart to God. As he pours out all the blessings that he sees in His life, his heart is drawn closer to God. His blessings are not just his, but are mine. Not only that but they are the good God pours out on all those who are His children. 
  • He forgives my iniquity- Not in part but the whole, every sin of mine is completely covered by the blood of Jesus.
  • He heals all my diseases- This is healing for my soul and  body. To have a diseased soul is so much worse than a diseased body. Thankfully, a diseased body makes His strength and grace that much more valuable. .
  • He redeems my life from the pit- This is the pit of sin, a pit in which I was helplessly floundering, lost and undone until Jesus redeemed me through the blood. 
  • He crowns me with steadfast love and mercy-He makes me royalty giving me a crown of love and mercy. Love, in that He loved me when I was in sin, and mercy because He forgave my sin and didn't hold me accountable.
  • He satisfies me with good-Jesus is the all-satisfying One. He has given me His good, His righteousness, His new life, His victory over sin, His hope for eternity in the presence of God.
  • He works righteousness and justice for the oppressed- I was oppressed by sin and enslaved by Satan. Jesus worked righteousness for me by taking the penalty for my sin.
  • He is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love-This is His name, a name that characterizes my life and my relationship with Him.
  • He doesn't always chide, nor keep anger forever-For me the Lord disciplines me because He loves me but at the same time He show great mercy, kindness, and love.
  • He doesn't deal with me according to my iniquities or repay my sin-He sent His Son to die and pay the penalty so justice has been done and making a way for me to have mercy.
  • His steadfast love is as high as heavens are above the earth-Unlimited and without end!
  • He knows my frame and remembers I are dust-How wonderfully encouraging! His expectations are based in Jesus not in my frame.He loves me because of Jesus not because of my performance.
  • His steadfast love is everlasting- Never ending!
  • His kingdom rules over all- This is my kingdom, and He is my king.
  • Bless the Lord...angels [who do His word], hosts [who do His will], and works [in all places of His dominion]
  • Bless the Lord, O my Soul!
Praising God is so glorious! It takes me out of the realm of this world and into His world shifting my focus and my priorities.

I bless You name and You Son! You are a great God! You created me, saved me, and redeemed me! Teach me to praise You more especially when life is heavy and my vision is blurred.
In His name,

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