Friday, February 19, 2016

Fair or True

Mt. 20:1-16

Jesus taught a hard lesson about the kingdom of heaven with a parable, one concerning fairness, a concept that is every present in the minds of people, and one that they foolishly think must be enforced. What about life is fair? Is there a rhyme or reason for illness or disaster? No, life happens. Yet somehow people think that they can control life and circumstances to make them fair to all people. 

 The parable begins with the master hiring laborers to work in his vineyard. The agreed upon wage was 1 denarius. So as the day went on, the master hired more workers at the 3rd hour, the 6th hour, the 9th hour and even the 11th hour. When it is was the end of the day, the laborers came before the master to receive their pay. Each one got 1 denarius regardless of how long they had labored. Of course those who began working early in the morning and who had endured the heat of the day, were upset. This was unfair. Shouldn't they be paid more? But the master said that he had made that arrangement with each one, and they had agreed. Who were they to begrudge the master his generosity? 

Even though this smacks of injustice and unfair labor practices, this is God's way. His arrangement with each man is not based on his work or his hours, but is based on the agreement that God offered man through the person of Jesus Christ. His death and resurrection, His fulfilling the righteous requirement of the law, and His provision of salvation for each one who believes and accepts must be the agreed-upon transaction. Whether you accept at the beginning of your life or on your death bed, it matters not.  Human works cannot earn man favor with the Master because our works will never be enough to fulfill the righteous requirement of the law. Only Jesus could do that. He is the only way to heaven. So no matter how sincere another religion is or how many good works others do, it will never be righteousness in the sight of God. It must be based on the arrangement that God has made with man, that is Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 

Help me to remember that I can't do it. You must work in and through me each day. Thank You for providing salvation for me. Thank You, Jesus, for Your willingness to fulfill the righteous requirement of the law. Thank You for covering me in Your righteousness. But at the same time, grow me in Your grace and knowledge. Conform me to the image of Your Son.
In Jesus name,

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