Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The Promised One

Gal. 2:15-29

The promise was made to Abraham who predated the law. The law then was an intermediary working until the promised One would come. While the law was based on works, the Promised One, Jesus Christ brought faith. Why then the law? It was in place because of sin. Sin needed to be dealt with before Jesus came and dealt with sin once and for all when He took all the sin upon Himself and died on the cross. He became the perfect sacrifice thus making the sacrifices done under the law null and void. All people were imprisoned under sin until Jesus came and conquered sin and death. The law was our guardian until Christ came making it possible for us to be justified by faith. Once Christ came we no longer had a need for a guardian for now we are all sons of God through faith. If we have been baptized into Christ, we have put on Christ and we are all one in Christ. And if we are Christ's then we are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to the promise. The promise has been fulfilled! 

Thank You for the promised One, for Jesus Christ who was the perfect sacrifice who could conquer sin and death and fulfill the promise making it possible for me to be Your son justified by faith in Jesus. What a blessing! Thank You so much.
In His name,

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