Monday, December 2, 2013

The Vision

Rev. 17:14
They will make war on the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, for He is the Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with Him and called and  chosen and faithful.
One of the 7 angels who carried the bowls talked to John and said he would show him the judgment of the great prostitute. Who is she? She is the representation of godless societies for sensual pleasure and their rejection of all restraint. She is seated on many waters [many peoples and nations] and has committed sexual acts with the kings of the earth; and with the wine of her sexual immorality, many earth dwellers have become drunk [the beast portrays the state's power to control religion through violence, while the prostitute portrays  the seductive appeal or a worldly economic system driven by affluence and pleasure.]
Then John was carried away into the wilderness where he saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was full of blasphemous names with 7 heads and 10 horns. The woman was clothed in purple and scarlet and adorned with gold, jewels, and pearls. In her hand was a golden cup full of the abominations and impurities of her sexual immorality. On her forehead was written, Babylon the great, mother of prostitutes, and of earth's abominations. She was drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. Disgusting and horrendous!
What is the meaning of this vision? The beast was, and is not, and is about to rise from the bottomless pit [beast had received a mortal wound but came back to life]and go to destruction [his power over Christians is limited and short lived].  The people on earth who names are not in the Lamb's book of life will marvel to see the beast because of its resurrection.
The 7 heads are the 7 mountains[allusion to Rome-seat of power] the woman sits upon. They also are the 7 kings, 5 of whom have fallen, one is, and the other is yet to come, and when he comes, he will remain for a little while [can't be positively identified-but tells that their time is short]. As for the beast that was, and is not, and is to come, it goes to destruction. The 10 horns are 10 kings have not yet received their power [could just represent all the nations on the earth], but they will get power for a short time [one hour] together with the beast [the 10 kings and the beast hate the prostitute. They will make her naked and exposed devouring her flesh with fire. Unbeknown to them God puts this desire in their hearts and minds.] They will be of one mind and give their power to the beast to wage war on the Lamb and the chosen and faithful until the words of God are fulfilled. God's words declared the Lamb conquers all, and He does!
Your words are faithful and true, unfailing and just! What You say is a surety! Give me grace enough to stand and to faithful to You and to the Lamb,
In the name of the Lamb,

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