Thursday, February 12, 2015

Clear Conscience

Acts 24

After 5 days the high priest, elders, and their spokesman came down to where Paul was being held. They accused Paul of stirring up riots among the Jews, being a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes, and of profaning the temple. With a nod from Felix, Paul began his defense. Paul verified that it was within the last 12 days that he was in the temple where he neither disputed or incited a riot. In fact, they had no proof for any of their charges at all. 

Paul continued. According to the Way, he worshiped God as was laid down in the law and the prophets. He hoped in God that there would be a resurrection of the just and the unjust. So he always took pains to have a clear conscience toward both God and man. The very fact that there will be a resurrection means accountability. One day Paul knew that he would face Jesus and be accountable for what he had done with the call of Jesus upon his life. But back to his defense, it had been several years since he had been in Jerusalem, and now he was bringing alms to his nation and presenting offerings. He was in the temple completely purified without a crowd at all. In fact, the only thing that he did was express his belief in the resurrection of the dead, a doctrine that was of key importance. Without it where would the followers of Christ be? 

Felix  put off his decision making until the tribune would come down. He gave orders that Paul should be in custody but with many privileges. However, repeatedly Felix and his Jewish wife, Drusilla would come to talk to Paul. I am sure he listened intently but didn't take the crucial step. He was hoping for money from Paul, essentially a bribe to make this all go away, but it never came. Before long, he was replaced by Porcius Festus. Sadly, he had listened but without a consequent change in his heart. How close and yet how far away!

Do I operate on the same idea as Paul, seeking always to have a clear conscience toward God and man? If I kept this idea in my mind, would it make my disobedience a thing of the past? Would I have more of am impetus to obey, to walk worthy of the calling to which I have been called? We don't talk about being accountable much. It seems as if we focus more on grace and forgiveness. Have I cheapened grace by making it a catch-all for my willfulness? Really some things to think about. 

I ask that You always help me see the truth about myself, that You touch my heart even if it hurts. Help me live with a clear conscience toward You and man. Help me to love as You love.
In Jesus name,

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