Monday, November 4, 2013

Called, Beloved, and Kept

Jude 1:2
To those who are called, beloved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ:
What a greeting! So much doctrine and blessing in this short verse. Called, Beloved, and Kept! Jesus Christ reconciled me to the Father in such a glorious way! My salvation and call came only at the drawing of the Father. Once called and saved, I became part of the Beloved, the collective body of Christ who will live for eternity praising God. In this life, I am kept, sealed, by the Holy Spirit for the day of Christ's return when He takes His bride, the church, home for the wedding feast of the Lamb.
Even though Jude was eager to write about their common salvation, there were larger issues on his mind. He strongly appealed to them to contend for their common faith, the faith that was expressed in the greeting. Why? Creepers have entered the church! Such people creep in unnoticed to do harm to the body. Even though these people are designated for condemnation, they are undeterred from their task of enticing others to their same state, a state where grace has become sensuality and perversion, a state where they have denied Jesus.
His warning included several examples of people who received condemnation because of such perversion. When Israel was led out of Egypt, God destroyed the unbelievers as they walked in the wilderness. Also there were the fallen angels who were puffed up with pride thinking they could climb to a higher position. Where are they? Waiting in gloomy darkness until the judgment day! Finally, Sodom and Gomorrah were cities that indulged in sexual immorality and unnatural desires and were immediately destroyed by fire. All of these serve as examples to those who pervert the grace of God and choose a path of sensuality and perversion. Obviously, following these people would mean a complete denial of Jesus and His grace. Do not be fooled! God is not mocked! Whatever is sown will be harvested! In this case, the harvesting will be eternal fire and torment. Could this happen to the church in my day? Of course, in many places it already has! So in conclusion, I must count my status [called, Beloved, and kept] as something precious, that I need to guard. I must ask the Spirit to open the eyes of my heart so I can see clearly the spiritual battles in my life. As Mt. said, Watch and pray so that you do not fall into temptation.
Open my eyes to see  temptation so that in your grace and strength I can contend for my faith. Strengthen me. Thank You for calling me into the Beloved and keeping me until the day that Jesus comes to take me home.
In His name,

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