Sunday, July 13, 2014


1 Tim. 1:5
The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.

There it is so simply put! Love is my aim and purpose. All that I do or say should reflect the love of Christ, the love that saved me and indwells me in the person of the Holy Spirit. This love is mine so why do I have so much trouble having or showing it? Could it be that I try to love in the flesh, or that I am allowing my flesh to control my life? What a double edged sword is the flesh! It defeats me on the positive side and the negative side. 

This love is not put on, forced, a test of endurance, or any other thing that is an admixture of love. Love in and of itself is pure. This verse say it issues. To me that sounds like something flowing freely from with in a person.  In addition to this, the verse goes on to give two qualities that accompany love: a good conscience and a sincere faith. If my conscience is not free from guilt, how can I possibly love someone else? A guilty conscience is like a blot on my soul and spirit. It creates negativity that flows into many areas of my life. It will be constantly erupting when I least expect it. I will be getting offended often, basically wearing my emotions on my sleeve. It will make me focus me and not on others.

The second quality is a sincere faith, one that is pure and single-sighted. Sincerity of faith would mean obedience to the word, living according to God's words as opposed to my perceptions of what is right. Certainly sincere faith would mean a good conscience. With all these in place, my love should be flowing freely.

Even though I know what Your love is, it seems to be much more in my head than in my life. Teach me how to love like Jesus did. Let it flow freely.
In Jesus name,

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