Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Shaken and Filled

Acts 5:31
And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness.

Peter and John were released after being instructed to refrain from speaking about Jesus. When they gathered with their friends, they told all that was said to them. Did this result in fear? No, they did not pray for protection, but instead prayed for more boldness to share the gospel, for power to heal and perform signs and wonders. And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness. How amazing was this prayer meeting! When I think of the few times that my church has gathered together to pray as one body, I cannot think of anything remotely like this. Even in Bible study where we have a much more intimate and unified spirit, it is missing. In fact when we finish praying, it is often like we were never in the presence of God. We immediately get up and go on with business as usual. I am deeply convicted about this. Since I am the leader of our study, I must lead the way. Help me, Lord. 

The early church had all things in common, one heart and one soul. When items or money was brought to be shared by all, there was no ownership of what was given. No one wanted to take credit personally for what God was doing in their midst. No pews with engraved name plates giving credit to the ones who had the deepest pockets. The seeds of competition and pride had not yet weaseled their way into the church. And with great power the apostles were giving testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them. Great Grace! That is the key to this powerful manifestation of the Spirit. No one was needy or going without. All was laid at the apostles feet and used for the care and nurturing of the body. Barnabas, the son of encouragement, was given as an example of this unselfish giving. [By way of introduction since he is connected to later events] I wonder if mentioning someone in particular might have begun the fleshly trail of humans, the trail of needing to be better than someone else, the trail of self over the body of believers.  Had it provided the start of disunity in the body? 

 I know that I have struggled wanting recognition. I confess, forgive me. My flesh is so weak and so easily led astray. Lord, help me lead our study into corporate prayer that is life changing, prayer where we together enter into the presence of God.
In Jesus name,

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