Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Orderly and Edifying

1 Cor. 14:26-40

The over-arching principles for the churches were that all things must be done decently and in order and for building up. It mattered not whether it is a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or a prophecy, it had to be done in an orderly manner and for the purpose of edifying. In regards to tongues, there had to be an interpreter. If there was not one then they had to be done between the person and God. The words spoken or the music sung had to bring learning or encouragement. For God is not a God of confusion but of peace. This same principle applies to churches today. 

Then Paul proceeded to teach an issue that would bring heated controversy today, that is that women keep silent in church, be submissive, and learn from their husbands at home. The note in my Bible says that the immediate context refers to women judging prophecies. In 1 Cor. 11:5 and 13 women could pray and prophesy in church.So it seems that this is not a general far-reaching prohibition, But at the same time women should remember their position in the Lord. They are one with Christ, yet just as Christ is head of the church and men are subject to Him, women are subject to their husbands, Position doesn't denote inferiority just difference. But all things must be done decently and in order.

Help me to remember my position in you and not try to alter it to fit what the world thinks. Help me to keep You first in all that I do. 
In Jesus name,

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