Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Aroma

2 Cor. 2

We are the aroma of Christ to the world. What a heavy thought! Through us the world has the opportunity to smell the aroma that leads to life, or if rejected, the aroma that leads to death. The text asks the question, 'Who is sufficient for these things?' No one! This task cannot be done in our own strength. We are not sufficient! Our strength taints the aroma and does not offer the sweetness of Christ. But in and through Him, the aroma is sweet and inviting. We are a vessel to be used by God to channel Christ to those who have yet to meet Him inviting them to smell, taste, and eat wholeheartedly. We are a vessel to those who know Him sharing His sweetness in fellowship. Paul could say that he was not like others who merely peddled the word of God, but he was a man of sincerity commissioned by God, and in the sight of God he spoke in Christ. There is the key, to be in Christ in all that we do, to speak in His grace and strength so that His aroma will be wafted forth in all our words and actions. 

Help me to always be in Christ. Make my words spread the aroma of Christ to all those that I meet. I confess that so many times I have acted in my own strength, Forgive.
In His name,

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