1 Cor. 10: 6
Now these things took place as examples for us, that we might not desire evil as they did.
The Israelites wilderness walk is replete with many times of turning from God or breaking faith. When I read it, I often think how could they do the things they did after seeing so many miraculous events. Yet I also know that the human heart is deceitful, and the flesh is strong.
- Do not be idolaters. The Israelites sat down to eat, drink, and play. They valued other things more than they did their relationship with God. Certainly, in my culture today there are so many things to take my mind off God. I know that I must not embrace the world's culture, yet so many parts of this culture are desirable and seem harmless. How much time is involved? How important are they? What choices do they cause me to make?
- We must not engage in sexual immorality. Some of the Israelites did this and as a result 23,000 fell in a single day. Strong words! The Bible teaches that this is a sin against a person's own body. Why is that so bad? Because the Spirit of God lives within my body and my body is the temple of God. How heinous this would be!
- We must not put Christ to the test. Some of the Israelites did this and were destroyed by serpents. I must live in the reality that every detail in my life, the good and the bad, are ordained by God. I must accept them as coming from the loving hand of a sovereign God.
- Nor grumble. Ouch! How often have I grumbled? The Israelites grumbled and were destroyed by the Destroyer. Grumbling reveals a discontented heart, a heart that wants its own way not God's way.
The instruction is clear. Use these examples for my own instruction. Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall. I can't think that any of these sins are an impossibility for me. Simply put, in that moment I could fall. It is only the grace of God that keeps me from falling not anything that I have done. God is faithful, and He will not let me be tempted beyond my ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. What a message! I don't have to fall, to succumb to temptation. God has provided me an escape route. So what if I do fall, and I think the temptation was too great? I am kidding myself! I am God's child. His Spirit lives within me. I am in Christ, and Christ is in me! I must keep the great truths and promises in the Word ready to strengthen me. I must keep my desire ever toward Him. As God is faithful to me so I must be faithful to Him.
What great lessons! Sharpen my vision so that I see only You. In that moment when I am so close to falling, bring these great truths to my mind. Open my eyes so that I can see the way of escape.
In Jesus name,
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