Friday, April 25, 2014

Sappy and Green

Ps. 92:15
to declare that the Lord is upright; He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.
The Lord has not taken away my ministry or usefulness just because I am growing old. In fact, He has a special use for me. Initially, the righteous will flourish like the palm tree and grow like a cedar in Lebanon. This flourishing and growth is irrespective of age. Since I am covered in the imputed righteousness of God [as are all believers, young and old], I will be flourishing. I know that the imputed righteousness of Jesus covers me when God sees me. It blanks out my sin, but practically everyday, I can only be righteous through His great grace which he abundantly pours over me. He grows me in holiness and righteousness so  that I can be without blame or blemish at the day Christ calls me home. 
The righteous are planted in the house of the Lord; they flourish in the courts of our God. How wonderful is this! My love for the house of the Lord, my body of Christ, is something that I cherish and love. Certainly I am planted there! As I hear the word of God, I flourish, I grow! And the cool thing is I will still bear fruit in old age! My age has not decreased my life force. Yet my culture does not think much of the old. As I age I am no longer as productive as I was before. I have been replaced by those much younger. But in God's culture, I am fruitful! Praise Him for that! I am ever full of sap and green. The essence of the tree's life, its sap and greenery speaks of abundant life. Likewise, I am not slowly wasting away with my essence fading by the day. Instead the converse is true! Spiritually I am like the young are physically. My heart and my spirit are sappy and green. The essence of my spirit is flourishing and growing.
What is my purpose as I grow old? to declare that the Lord is upright; He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him. I must declare who the Lord is, how He has grown my spirit, and how He has been faithful in my life. Truly, He is my rock! Over the course of many years, He has been faithfully my rock, my anchor in this life, and my source of strength. He is totally righteous! He has covered me in the righteousness of His Son giving me this treasure in a jar of clay to show that the surpassing power belongs to Him. What a wonderful God I serve! Thankfully, I am still His vessel abounding in His life even though my outer body is wasting away!

Thank You for these wonderful verses, for cementing Your purpose in my life. Help me to be constantly growing, green and sappy. I want my jar of clay to bring glory to Your name.
In Him,

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