Saturday, May 10, 2014

Good and Evil

Mk. 14:9
And truly I say to you, wherever the gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her.

The responses of people to Jesus are so vivid. Either they love Him or hate Him. Of course, there are always those who try and ride the fence. I think they might have a surprise waiting for them when Jesus comes for His own. But on to the story. Jesus was at the house of Simon reclining at the table. A woman came into the room with an alabaster flask of ointment of pure nard, very costly. She broke the flask and poured it on Jesus' head. As the people watched, some thought it was a waste and could have been sold for much more and used to meet the needs of the poor [fence riders who do not see clearly what is going on]. So they scolded the woman. But Jesus spoke out against their comments by telling them that the poor would always be with them, but He would not be.They were in the presence of Jesus, but not yet seeing who He was. He told them to leave her alone. He went on to add that she had prepared his body for burial. Did His audience even grasp those words? Contrary to their thinking, Jesus felt she had done a beautiful thing. Wherever the gospel was proclaimed, her story would be told creating an enduring memory. We can see clearly her love and devotion to Christ, and also see the response of those in the room, certainly confused and earthly minded. Perhaps at this time, they were the fence riders. But immediately following this, Judas went to the chief priests to betray Jesus.His was a response of total hatred. He had walked with Jesus without his heart being engaged at all. The priests were so happy with Judas' words that they paid him money, but immediately began to make their plans to get rid of Jesus. Judas, with his heart full of evil, joined forces with those who were evil as well. 

In these few verses, the heart of man is clearly revealed. Love and devotion to Him was not clearly understood by many, but for one it was glorious. But also there are the ones who seem to understand enough to reject it wholeheartedly. So sad! It speaks clearly to the human heart. What do I value and cherish? Does my love for Jesus supersede my worldly thinking? I know I am in the world, but do I live and love like I am not of the world?

I choose Jesus. Reveal to me when my thinking goes astray. Through your grace, grow me in wisdom and in the revelation of the knowledge of Jesus. 
In His name,

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