Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Temple of the Holy Spirit

1 Cor. 6:19-20
Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price, so glorify God in your body. 

These verses weave together two great gifts. The first gift was when God saved me completely by faith and grace to prevent me from ever taking credit for such an act.  My salvation was a package deal. God didn't just save my soul and spirit, but He saved my body as well. Into my body, He sent His Holy Spirit to live, to indwell, to teach, to guide, to lead, and to convict. It was His gift just like my salvation was.

But my salvation was not free. It came at a great cost to the Son of God. He had to leave heaven, His position and place with His Father. As if that were not enough, He had to die as the Son of Man triumphing over Satan once and for all. It was in this horrific act that He paid the price for my soul, redeeming and ransoming me. From that point forward, I belong to Jesus. As someone who was redeemed, bought with a price, I am no longer in charge of my body, soul, or spirit. Since my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, I must glorify God in my body. This lofty thought follows closely some verses on sexual immorality. Sexual immorality does not glorify God. Should I take the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? How abhorrent! Even to write it is horrible! Of course not! It is never right!! Instead I must always glorify God in my body because my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit of God.

I am sure there are other behaviors that prohibit me from glorifying You in my body. Keep my eyes and heart open to the leading of Your Spirit. Convict me. Keep me ever close to Your heart.
In Jesus name,

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