Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Mind of Christ

1 Cor. 2

Paul came to the Corinthians not in any worldly wisdom but only in Christ and Him crucified. Jesus epitomized his motive and his method. Even though his heart felt some fear and trembling, his message was one of power and of the Spirit because it was of the Spirit and not of himself. He was not concerned about gaining power or recognition for himself, but he was only concerned about bringing glory to Jesus through the proclamation of His gospel so that the faith of those who heard would rest only in the power of God. 

The gospel contains the secret and hidden wisdom of God;  consequently, the world thinks it is folly. But how can we understand something so divine? It is only through the Spirit that indwells each one of us who claim the name of Jesus. No one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. As believers we have received the Spirit from God so that we might freely understand the things given us by God. Such knowledge as this can only be taught by the Spirit enabling us to interpret spiritual truths. What a glorious gift! Not only eternal life in heaven, but also a new nature here on earth; not only the written word of God, but also the Spirit to understand and interpret it; not only being partakers of the divine nature here on earth, but also a hope for a glorified body in the presence of His glory; not only salvation by mercy and grace, but also sanctification by mercy and grace. He does not save us and then desert us, but He is involved in every aspect of our lives. He gives us a mission and a ministry, and gives us all the strength and wisdom to accomplish that mission and ministry. What a wonderful Savior we have!

The natural person can not and does not accept the things of the Spirit of God because they are spiritually discerned. But since we have the Spirit of God, we also have the mind of Christ. In our mind and in our spirit we can discern the secret and hidden things of God because they are spiritually discerned. Amazing! The mind of Christ is given to us. It is ours for the taking. We have complete access to it. But what do we do? Do we often default back to our flawed and foolish minds? Do we struggle day after day in muck of our flesh? How strong is our flesh that it can tempt us away from so many wonderful and divine gifts!

I confess I have often defaulted back to the flesh in my body and my thoughts. Forgive me. Teach me to make the mind of Christ and Your words my default. Help me! I so need it!
In Jesus name,

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