Rom. 15:5-6
May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.
I have prayed verse 5 for my marriage for years asking God to help us live in harmony with one another. In a marriage setting, I think that this verse has a slightly different meaning. Harmonious living seems to speak of being free from strife, strife over many things not just disagreements over the word of God, free from strife over all the petty little things that the flesh reveals in the close setting of a marriage. Of course, in a marriage there are big things as well, abuse verbal, emotional and even physical. But for me the strife comes from not listening to each other, helping each other in many areas, understanding one another, and having emotional needs met. Now that I write them down it doesn't really seem like something I should get that upset about. But when the flesh is seeking for control, things are magnified. So praying that God will help us live in harmony in accord with Jesus is vital.
I like how Paul mentions the God of endurance and encouragement. He is the God of exactly what we need in a marriage, endurance and encouragement. And what is the purpose of this unity? It is not just so that the home runs more smoothly [which is nice] or that neither one of us are at odds with the other [which is also nice], but it is so that we can glorify God. When strife exists, there is sin, and sin keeps us from glorifying God. Our relationship with God should be our highest priority. Nothing should be allowed to deter it, especially marriage squabbles. Paul's conclusion is to welcome one another as Christ welcomed us! He loved and forgave us when we were black with sin. Can we not extend this love and forgiveness to our spouse? Love as Christ loved us. Forgive as Christ forgave us. Welcome as Christ welcomed us. The reason and purpose for our marriage is so that we might grow holier, grow up in our head, into Christ, and glorify the God and Father of Jesus. How can we do that if there is no forgiveness or love? Shouldn't our spiritual priorities extend into all areas of life? Yes, I must say yes. This prayer is vital for our marriage as is our obedience to His word.
Thank You for being the God of all that we need to live together in harmony. Teach us how to glorify You in all that we do and say in our relationship with each other. Grant us Your encouragement and endurance. Open our eyes and hearts to see You first in any situation.
In Jesus name,
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