Saturday, January 23, 2016

Divided Hearts

Acts 14

As Paul and Barnabas were traveling and preaching, the reception was mixed. In Iconium they spoke boldly doing signs and wonders with their hands. But even with that, the people were divided some siding with the apostles and some with the Jews. The division went so far that those who were against Paul and Barnabas attempted to stone them, but they fled to Lystra and Derbe.

In Lystra the reception was totally different. After healing a man who had been crippled from birth, the crowd rose up and called them gods, Zeus [Barnabas] and Hermes [Paul]. They even wanted to offer sacrifices to them. But Paul cried out to them, Men, why are you doing these things? He told them that God was calling them to turn from vain things to the living God, the God who had created all life. Even with these words they could barely restrain the people. Funny how people respond! Either way Satan tries every tactic he knows to prevent belief and acceptance of the gospel. But as before Jews came from Antioch and Iconium [over 100 miles away] and persuaded the people to stone Paul. Such hatred! So brutal was the attack that they thought he was dead. But the disciples came round him, and in their midst, he rose up and entered the city. Even in the midst of such heated opposition, there were those who believed. The next day Paul and Barnabas went to Derbe where many people believed.

But were these cities lost causes? No, the angry mob did not represent all the people. The chapter said that Paul and Barnabas returned to these cities to strengthen the souls of the disciples encouraging them to continue in the faith and declaring that the way to the kingdom of God was one of many tribulations. As I am sure they had seen firsthand. They did not want to leave unsteady souls in the way of those who had rejected the gospel. The babies must be fed and nurtured. 

They continued on their journey spreading the gospel in many cities eventually sailing to Antioch [the city where the disciples were first called Christians]. When they arrived there, they gathered the church together and shared all that the Lord had done. He had opened a door of faith to the Gentiles! How wonderful! The gospel was spreading. The church was growing. Opposition would not deter the work of God. In fact, it worked to the contrary. It made it grow!

How exciting to read these accounts of the early church. It seem a far cry from what the church is like today. Stengthen my heart so that I might stand in the way of opposition. Give me boldness to speak out Your truth. Open a door for me to share.
In Jesus name,

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