Tuesday, January 5, 2016

God Will Provide

Gen. 22:1-14

God spoke to Abraham, that in itself is an amazing thing. Abraham had a personal conversation with God. Although I notice that, more often than not, it is only God speaking in the conversation. Abraham's responsibility was listening and obeying. Difficult though it may be, God wanted Abraham to offer Isaac on the altar. You would have thought that Abraham would have made some response to God since this was such a monumental order, but he didn't. Abraham's faith was strong! His trust in God included the life of His Son. 

So Isaac and Abraham journeyed up the mountain with the wood, the fire, and the knife. Before long, Isaac questioned his dad, Where is the lamb for the burnt offering? All Abraham said was that God would provide the lamb. At the appointed place, Abraham built the altar, laid on the wood, and bound his Son. Just as he was ready to kill his son, an angel spoke, Abraham, do not lay your hand on the boy or do anything to him. Abraham had shown God that he feared Him, that God was first in his life. When Abraham looked up, he saw a ram caught in a thicket. Here was the sacrifice! God did indeed provide. 

Abraham called this place,  The Lord will Provide, Jehovah Jireh. What a lesson! God did not reveal Himself through words only but through a very difficult life lesson. He often does the same with us. His words are with us constantly, and it is our responsibility to listen and obey. I wonder if we named the place, the incident, or the trial would it make that life lesson more unforgettable. Would it drive it home so that we would remember how God worked in that incident? Would it make God more tangible to us? 

I know You provide in so many ways, ways that I don't always see. But my heart is still full of thanks to You. Help me to see You more clearly.
In Jesus name,

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