Acts 12
Herod was on a rampage. He had arrested James [the bro. of John] and Peter. After killing James with a sword, he fully intended to kill Peter as well. But God intervened! It was a miraculous delivery! As Peter was asleep bound between 2 soldiers, he was awakened by an angel who instructed him to get up quickly. No time to waste! After dressing himself, he followed the angel through all the guards and out into the city. Peter was unsure about what was happening. Was this a dream? No, it was reality. He went to the house of Mary [mother of John] where the body of believers was praying for him. When he knocked and asked admittance, Rhoda the servant recognized his voice. She ran to tell the others but neglected to open the gate. No one believed her. They went so far as to accuse her of insanity. But Peter continued knocking, and eventually he was admitted. Peter told them what had happened and instructed them to tell James [the brother of Jesus] who seemed to be the head of the church in Jerusalem. Peter left traveling elsewhere. What a glorious thing God had done! How the church grew and multiplied!
On the opposite front, Herod was livid. He executed the sentires and left town traveling to Caesarea. There one day when he was arrayed in all his finery, he spoke to the people who depended on him for their very food and existence. They cried out that he was a god. Apparently, he believed he was as well because an angel came and struck him down because he did not give glory to God. He was eaten by worms and breathed his last breath. Yikes! Fitting end for a man who did so much damage to the church of God. But the word of God increased and multiplied! There was no stopping what God had ordained. How powerful was the power of God at work within the early church!
Strengthen my faith. Help me to trust in You proving Yourself strong. I know You will regardless but I lose so much by my fear. Help me to accept Your will even when I want things to only work out only one way. James was executed but Peter was released. What if I had been the mother of James? Would I have rejoiced that my son was counted worthy to suffer for Christ? Grow me so that my will and Yours are the same.
In Jesus name,
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