Saturday, January 9, 2016

Stephen-Part 1

Acts 6:8-15

Stephen was one of those chosen to minister to the daily needs of the body thus freeing up the apostles for preaching and prayer. To be sure, his ministry was in no way less important, in fact his life reflected Christ in such a way that many people noticed. He was full of grace and power and was doing great wonders and signs among the people.  But any good ministry is not without problems, and so it was with Stephen. 

Some men [Freedmen, Cyrenians, Alexadrians, and those from Cilicia and Asia] disputed with Stephen, but they really had no charges with would stand up. His wisdom and the Spirit within him were more than they could refute. So they chose to instigate something surreptitiously accusing him of blaspheming the words of God and  Moses. After stirring up the people, they seized him and brought him before the council. They went so far as to set up false witnesses that attested to the fact that he spoke against the temple and the law. All who looked at him saw that he had the face of an angel. What can you do when the one that you are seeing to destroy has the face of an angel? I imagine they were frustrated beyond belief. 

What could Stephen say that would refute the false witnesses? How would he handle the crowd? I am sure that the Spirit within him would guide and comfort him. Thankfully, the Spirit is there with all of us. I may not be falsely accused, but the Spirit still guides my words and my actions. But how could I have the face of an angel? I am thinking that it was because Stephen depended solely on the Spirit. There was no admixture of self in this actions or words. The Spirit was a living moment-by-moment reality in his life. 

Grow my dependence on the Spirit. Make all that I am reflect you in my actions, words and even my countenance.
In Jesus name,

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