Thursday, October 18, 2012

Blessed Is the Man Who Fears the Lord!

Ps. 112:1
Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in His commandments!
To fear the Lord, I must be greatly delighting in His word. From this delight comes great blessing. What a great question to ask myself! Am I greatly delighting in His Word today? How would greatly delighting appear? Time, quality, growth, memorization, meditation, study, etc..Certainly all those would give me time in the Word, but how do I grow delight? I think delight comes as my relationship with God deepens and grows. And there is only one way for that to happen and that is to be in the Word. Then how does the Word grow my fear of the Lord? Delighting in His Word would be delighting in Him. His Word is living! From His word I would see what it truly means to fear the Lord, to revere, know, understand, and appreciate Him more.
What are the blessing that come from fearing the Lord, from delighting in His Word?
  • His offspring will be mighty in the land--my family will see and know what I am about and this will affect their lives as well. This might would be His power, strength, and grace
  • Wealth and riches are in his house- Whether this refers to spiritual or physical riches, I am not sure. But I do know that a wealth of riches comes from His immeasurable supply of grace. 
  • His righteousness endures forever-That is because I am covered with the righteousness of Jesus, the Lamb, the Son of God who is eternal.
  • The righteous will be gracious, merciful, and righteous. Fearing the Lord produces character in my life.
  • He deals generously and lends, conducts his affairs with justice-I need to be other-centered and live like all that I do will reflect God. I am His and He should shine forth from me.
  • The righteous will not be moved-I am settled, covered and standing on the rock, Jesus Christ.
  • He is not afraid of bad news-I know that my entire life is God's plan and reflects His purpose for me. All that He does is for my good, my holiness.
  • His heart is firm, trusting in the Lord-It is my trust in Him that keeps my heart firm and undisturbed by any circumstances.
  • He has distributed freely, given to the poor-I see a need and then meet it.
  • His righteousness endures forever and his horn is exalted in honor-Enduring forever is my future since I have new life in Christ.
So many blessings! What a great God I love and serve! What a great salvation!
Teach me more about fearing You each day. Show me how to make my life reflect You more and more.
In Jesus name,

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