Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Two Evils

Jer. 2:12-33
Be appalled, O heavens, at this: be shocked, be utterly desolate, declares the Lord, for my people have committed two evils: they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed out cisterns for themselves, broken cisterns that can hold no water.
Israel has changed their glory, their powerful God and all His blessings,  for something that did not profit. They had forsaken God, a God who had chosen them to be His possession, His people, and instead had chosen their own self-will. Sadly, man often chooses his own way regardless if it is profitable or not! Such a choice as this is shocking to heaven! It reeks of desolation! Why would Israel forsake the fountain of living water, a fountain that would never run dry and that would give them life in abundance? Why would they choose to make cisterns that could hold no water? It's hard to understand, but the sad truth is that many times, I make just such foolish decisions. The flesh cries out for control claiming it knows best. It tempts with pleasures and power that are really empty and devoid of meaning. The common thought is who knows better how to run my life than me! But  the better statement is who knows better how to run my life better than the Creator of my life!  Sadly, man doesn't stop to think! Instead of remembering what is true about God, he reacts completely in the flesh. How foolish when I have the Spirit of God living within me wanting to guide and lead me! Do I want heaven to be shocked and desolate? Do I want to choose a life of emptiness instead of a life of satisfaction? I would have to say a resounding NO! I want to be a child of God who is in touch with Him, who is listening and obeying, and who is drinking constantly from the Living water.
Open my eyes to every speck of my self-sufficiency and self-will. Give me wisdom to think before I act. Keep me in touch with You at all times.
In Jesus name,

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