Friday, April 20, 2012

A Divine Meeting

Acts 8:35
Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning with this Scripture he told him the good news about Jesus.

An angel of the Lord told Philip to go south to a specific road that goes from Jerusalem to Gaza, which incidentally was the last watering place before the desert. Such clear direction! What anticipation he must have had! There he found an Ethiopian Eunuch who was in charge of Queen Candace's treasure who had previously come to Jerusalem to worship. In all probability he was a God-fearing person or a seeker, but definitely someone being drawn to the Way.  Not only that but he was reading Isaiah without really understanding it. Philip's first question was entirely logical, Do you understand what you are reading? According to God's specific and sovereign will and plan, he was reading Is. 53:7-8. What an opening! And into this open door, Philip plunged sharing with him the good news about Jesus. The Ethiopian understood completely, and as he saw the water, he wanted to be baptized. Once again God's sovereign plan was perfectly in place! As soon as they came up out of the way, Philip was transported to another ministry location. In Azotus, he preached the gospel to all the town in Caesarea. How clearly God's will and plan was seen in this whole encounter.  What a wondrous God we serve!

Thank You for being sovereign in all the details of life, the big and the small. Grow my faith and trust in You to see every detail in my life as orchestrated specifically by You.
In Jesus name,

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