Josh. 11:20
For it was the Lord's doing to harden their hearts that they should come against Israel in battle, in order that they should be devoted to destruction and should receive no mercy but be destroyed, just as the Lord commanded Moses.
It was all the Lord's doing! He gave them victory after victory against enemies that were far greater in number and resources. However, there was one incident when the men from Gibeon used deception to get their way over Israel. Masquerading as travelers from afar, they came into Israel's camp asking for a covenant. They repeatedly reinforced the idea of their distant location when they were really from a nearby and rather powerful place. Israel and even Joshua did not ask counsel from the Lord. They thought this issue was within their power to figure out because this enemy was not large or overwhelming! What a mistake! Joshua made a covenant with these people and then they found out that they were close and powerful neighbors. Because of their covenant with these people, they did not attack them but instead they became their servants, wood cutters and drawers of water. Sadly, they became a lasting reminder of their foolishness. God had provided them the victory, but they chose to go their own way. How many times do I do that? I could ask. I could pray, but instead I think that I have it covered. Nothing is too small for God. He is the master and the planner. All of life is the Lord's doing! He is sovereign!
Thank You for this lesson. Teach me to ask You about everything and trust You to work out Your perfect plan. Help me apply Your words to my life.
In Jesus name,
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