Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Praise the Lord!

Ps. 150:6
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!
Ps. 150 is the final doxology for the book of Psalms, as well as a psalm used for a joyous celebration. It answers so many questions about praising God.
  • Where
    • In His sanctuary
    • In His mighty heavens
  • What
    • For His mighty deeds
    • According to His excellent greatness
  • How
    • With trumpet sound
    • With the lute and harp
    • With the tambourine and dance
    • With the strings and pipe
    • With the sounding cymbals
    • With loud, clashing cymbals
  • Who
    • Everything that has breath
Praise should flow from the heart constantly and not just on Sunday in church. All nature provides a sanctuary in itself. This praise should be something that is unstoppable, always seeping out in any circumstance. Is my praise unstoppable?
Praise should include what He has done and His attributes. It is essential that believers know God intimately and have a vital relationship with God. What better way is there to know who He is, His attributes, and what He has done, not necessarily what He has done only in my life, but in the lives of others and in those lives recorded in His word. Is my praise specific to Him? Am I just praising for what He has done for me, or am I praising Him for who He is?
My praise can be loud and boisterous as well as quiet and reserved. All music is a gift and should be used to reflect back praise to Him? Am I using what He has given me to praise Him?
Finally, am I using every breath that I have to praise Him? Am I encouraging others to praise Him as well? What a joy to praise a God who loves me and who knows me personally! What a joy to praise Him knowing full well that all He has planned for my life is for my good!
I praise Your name with my every breath. Thank You for loving me so much that You sent Your Son to save me. Thank You for sending Your Spirit to live in my life and to grow me minute by minute. Thank You for being such a great God, so gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.
In Him,

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