Monday, August 19, 2013

Friendships Ruined

Prov. 17:9
Whoever covers and offense seeks love, but he who repeats a matter separates close friends.
On many occasions I have been given the chance to cover an offense or to repeat the matter to another, to stir up the pot between friends. In that moment I had to choose between love and strife. The choice should have been simple since love is of God and is that quality that never ends, whereas strife and discord are earthly qualities that only cause pain. Still knowing all about love [I Cor. 13], there is something in my flesh that wants to pull me to the wrong choice, to choose discord, to spread the hurt. How strong is the flesh! How much I need His grace and strength for every day! 
Verse 14 goes on to say, The beginning of strife is like letting out water, so quit before the quarrel breaks out. Once the dam has been breached, there is no holding the water back. The damage done by gossip is similar. A careless word or comment seems to grow larger with each repeating until finally the flow is unstoppable. The damage is done! A friendship is ruined! Verse 17 says A friend loves at all times.. At all times, and that includes those times when I hear something damaging and I choose not to repeat it.  I choose to let God work in the hearts of all involved. There is the answer! When I hear a word and am tempted to repeat it, I need to pray! I need to give the situation to God and let Him work.
Give me Your wisdom to make the right decision. When I am tempted, draw me to Yourself. Help me to love as You loved me.
In Jesus name,

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