Heb. 5:13-14
for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child. But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment rained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.
The writer was explaining to the Hebrew Christians that some events and concepts were hard to understand. In this case it was the priesthood of Christ. Christ did not seek this position to exalt Himself but instead was appointed by God. Although Christ was a Son, He still had to learn obedience through suffering. Because of His suffering and perfection in suffering, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey Him. These believers need no longer go through a human priest who was flawed as they were. But now Christ was all that they needed.
Apparently, the people were having a hard time understanding these concepts. They were dull of hearing. Why? What had caused this condition? They were still only drinking in the milk of the word. The time was ripe for them to step up and be teachers or leaders, but instead they needed the basics of the Word taught to them again. Sad! They had willingly put themselves in a stunted growth pattern. The writer is exhorting them to eat the solid food of the word. Grow up into Christ! Don't be babies any longer. Those who eat the solid food are discerning because they have had constant practice distinguishing good from evil. They are on the battle field fighting for the right and sharing the gospel. What a warning to us today! What do we like to eat? Do we need entertainment and pleasing music coupled with a short, non-offensive message? Quite a thought! What a choice! The easy non-confrontational milky path or the hard confrontational meaty path...Any believer who is really in love with Jesus would obviously choose the way that He walked. They would follow Him in their sacrifice and in their difficulties. But at the same time, watch out for the mind games. I wonder if the Hebrew believers were even aware of their condition. Be alert! Watch out! Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to destroy. Who is the easier prey, the milky or the meaty believer?
Keep me ever in Your word. Sharpen my discernment so that I may fight off temptation. Give me the grace and the strength to stand for you.
In His name,
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