Rom. 4:20-22
No distrust made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised. This is why his faith was counted to him as righteousness.
The promise made to Abraham was not made through the law because it was not predicated on man's doing or achieving. It came through the righteousness of faith. Since this promise rests on faith, it also rests on grace. Both of which are gifts from God, gifts which are not earned in any way shape or form. God gave him the promise of being the father of many nations, and even though this reality seemed unlikely, Abraham believed against hope.
He did experience some obstacles to his faith in the form of old age and barrenness. How was he to be the father of many nations when he had no child? Certainly what is impossible with man is possible with God. But Sarah tried to make the promise come true by using Hagar. Not only would God not bless this relationship, but Sarah created a long-lasting enemy for the Israelite people. How sad!
Abraham did not distrust or waver in belief concerning the promise of God. Instead he grew strong in his faith because he was convinced God would do what he said! It is this unwavering belief in the words of God that was counted to him as righteousness. What an example for me! Just wait, trust, and believe in what God says. I know that God doesn't need my help in making his words come true, yet why do I often run ahead? Often I am concerned about increasing my faith. I see that it is not something that I do, but something that is grown in me by my relationship to the Words of God. Less of me and so much more of Him!
What a great example of faith! Grow in me Your faith and grace. Teach me through Your words to trust and believe in You.
In Jesus name,
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