Sunday, January 12, 2014

Great Fear

Acts 5:11
And great fear came upon the whole church and upon all who heard of these things.
I am always amazed that people would rather carry on a pretense for other people and not concern themselves with God, the God who sees and knows all. Case in point, Ananias and Sapphira. The early church was having all things in common. People were selling their lands and possessions and bringing it to the church for the care of all. Well, this couple wanted to do the same thing except they wanted to keep some money back for themselves [perhaps a root of greed]. They wanted the power and the acclaim but without the cost. So in walks Ananias who had sold his property and claimed he was giving all the proceeds to the church. But Peter saw through that! He questioned him, saying, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and to keep back for yourself part of the proceeds of the land? Peter explained that they didn't need to give it to the church, it was voluntary. But they did need to tell the truth! Upon hearing these words, Ananias fell down dead! About 3 hours later, in walks Sapphira making the same claims. What was her fate? The same as her husbands. She also was carried away and buried. The passage says that great fear consumed the church. If I had lived then, I would have been in fear as well. The early church was charged with the Holy Spirit. Great signs and wonders were being done. So in the midst of this must be great truth. There could be no counterfeit claims.
Keep my eyes open all the time to see my true motives. Help me to care so much more about what you think rather than what man thinks,
In Jesus name,

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