Saturday, September 14, 2013

Steadfast Under Trial

James 1:12
Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love Him.
I know temptation is of my own making. It is when I am lured or enticed by my own desire. This desire could be me not getting my own way or being frustrated with someone else because they weren't logical [ or really not just doing what I wanted them to do.]. It could be me being in the wrong place where I was being exposed to something that would tempt me to envy or be jealous  Of course, many of those times what I thought or said was just a justification for my own sin. How can I be so foolish as to try and justify my own sin? Why don't I abhor sin like I should? What is wrong?
How can I remain steadfast under trial when I allow my flesh to take control even for a minute? In essence I am forfeiting the blessing of God for a paltry roll in the flesh. How foolish!  I must pray that God will open my eyes and my heart to sin. I want to be this blessed man who remains steadfast under trial. Somehow I see trial as a different thing than temptation, but certainly I see a trial bringing on temptation. I see the opportunity for giving up because it is too hard for the flesh. I see a trial being so rough that I could justify the feelings of the flesh.
James goes on to say that every good and perfect gift comes from the Father, the Father of Lights. He is steadfast and true, never wavering. It is His purpose and will for me that I will be a kind of  firstfruit of His creatures. It is His will for me that I remain steadfast under trial. It is His will that I rely on Him for strength and grace to resist temptation and to walk and live by the Spirit. If I do, God has promised me a crown of life
I wonder how often am I forfeiting the blessing of God for a weak moment of frustration, temper, worry, or stress.  It is so simple when I read, If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask God who gives generously to all without reproach and it will be given him. All I have to do is ask without wavering. Ask believing He will give it to me. Such wisdom as this can help me face trial and temptation. It can help me see my flesh for what it is.
I ask You for this wisdom. I confess I often indulge my flesh in envy and temper. Forgive me. Grant me a renewed awareness of my sin and my need to confess. Thank You for wanting to bless my life.
In Jesus name,

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