Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Proverbs 31 Woman

Prov. 31:28
Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.
Oh how most mothers would love to her blessed from their children and their husbands! What would this blessing be like? Would it be a thank you or a good job? Not really sure about that...but it would be nice. This woman had specific qualities that resulted in this blessing. What were they? Can they be incorporated into our time and culture?
  • She does her husband good constantly and consistently. No bad mouthing at all!
  • She works with her hands (wool and flax). Her life is not filled with idleness.
  • She provides good food wherever she has to go to get it. (I wonder if it was organic?)
  • She rises day and night to provide for her family.
  • She even works out of the home (buying a field and planting a vineyard). She is industrious.
  • She dresses herself in strength. She is healthy and not so concerned with fashion.
  • She makes a profit with her merchandise.
  • She works on the distaff and the spindle.(whatever tools she had available).
  • She is generous to the poor and needy. She meets needs as she sees them.
  • She is unafraid of the coming seasons because her house is prepared.
  • She makes garments and sells them.
  • Her husband is free to set at the gates with the men. His confidence in her is firm.
  • Strength and dignity are her clothing. Once again, a woman of great character.
  • She speaks in wisdom and kindness. (How important! and even with little sleep!)
  • She constantly looks to the needs of her home and meets them.(No idleness)
After all this her children call her blessed as does her husband. Charm and beauty are not her concern; instead she fears the Lord. The fruit of her hands and her works will be evidence of her character. What a woman! It really is mind-boggling! How did she have time to do all these things on so little sleep?  
What I take from this is that her family was her prime concern. I like that she is not just a phenomenal worker but that her speech is kind. I am sure there were times when she was so tired, yet she spoke kindly. I think that her strength and beauty came from the fear of the Lord. He was her ever-present help. Perhaps that is what is wrong today. Women try and tackle so much in their own strength and forget to rely on the Lord. They don't necessarily purpose to work in their own strength but it always seems to happen. So I need to develop a God-consciousness every minute and not run on auto-pilot. Auto-pilot seems to be replete with unkind words, anger, and irritability. I wouldn't want someone to respond to me in that way and I should not respond to others in that way.
Rein me in and keep me close to You constantly. Teach me to make wisdom and kindness of speech. Teach me more and more about fearing You and through that to love others especially the family that You have given me.
In His name,

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