Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Thoughts and Actions

Phil. 4:8
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. 

There have been times that I have struggled with knowing the will of God. If I would have listened to the message of these words, my actions and thoughts would have been different. Is it true? Is what I am thinking and planning true? True by what standard, by the standard of the word of God. Do my actions and thoughts line up with the truth of God's word. I have often heard this verse applied to worrying when a person dwells on what they should have done [hindsight] or what might happen [foresight]. Even though they know the worrying isn't going to change a thing, they often seem trapped in this thought process. Using 'truth' as a guide would be invaluable. Not just for handling worrying, but for handling self-pity, loneliness, and feelings of isolation and not belonging. 

Is it honorable? Perhaps that would refer to actions that bring honor to God. Is my activity or plan bringing honor to Him? Ouch! That is hard question. I know I [and many other] say that I want all I do to bring honor to God, but I wonder if that is true practically. So much of my life I just live on auto-pilot. Doing what I have always done without really considering if these things are honoring God. I function in the realm of necessary or essential. But I know that even those things can be honoring to God that is if I keep Him in my thoughts. If I am talking to Him and acknowledging Him all through the day.  

What does 'just' mean? I think it would mean not taking advantage of another person or not valuing a relationship. My life should operate in fairness to all those that God has placed in my life. Also my thoughts and actions should be pure. This one is actually difficult. There is so much in our media, TV, and movies that should not be allowed to enter our minds. No justification or rationalization should make that right. I confess I have found myself laughing at sin, at people who practice a life that violates all Scripture. 

Lovely and commendable--Two words that are hard to grasp. When I think of lovely, I think of Jesus, of nature, of art, of quilting, of all the things that he has allowed in my life that bring me joy. What I have experienced is that the things in the world fade in comparison to Jesus and the Word. The more time I am in the Word and thinking on Jesus, the less time I am in the world, the less times I am drawn to the world. I find Jesus has altered my tastes.  Commendable  means that I would recommend it someone else. That is complicated thing. Certainly, I would recommend Jesus and spiritual things to another. But when it comes to the world, that is much harder because things are not cut and dried.What one person thinks is OK may not be for another. So I can see how Jesus must control every area of my life. 

Excellent and worthy of praise,  I enjoy watching the Olympics because of the excellence of skill and praise- worthy performances.I think that I must choose carefully what I see, watch, think about, and indulge in . I must use this verse as my guide, constantly bringing it to mind. How many things are excellent and worthy of praise? 

As I have thought on these words, I see that I have sinned in some areas, Help me to live bringing honor to You, praising the excellent things You have done, and  commending You to others. I love You.
In Him,

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