Saturday, November 26, 2011

Live, Move, and Have Being

Acts 17:28
In Him we live and move and have our being...For we are indeed His offspring.

God  determined that man would live on the earth and that he should seek God, but not in temples made with human hands because God is worshiped in the human heart. Nor is He served by human hands because He needs nothing from man.  If all this is true, why would God want to have a relationship with man? Basically, God's great love caused Him to reach down and rescue man even when man was sinful and cared nothing for God. God wants man to find Him so that they might fellowship. For the believer, it is God that is our life. He is the one who gives us purpose and existence because we are His offspring. This is the grace and faith that saves, a power totally apart from human hands or works, a power that makes us over anew. Truly in Him we live, move, and have our being.    

Help me to live in You, to bring glory to Your name. Teach me to know what it means to have my being in Yours.
In Jesus name,

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