Monday, November 7, 2011

My Word Will Not Pass Away

Mk. 13: 31
"Heaven and Earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away."

God's word endures because He Himself is timeless. He existed before time and will exist when time is no more. Since He is immutable, His words are as well. Not only that but His words will always come to pass. They know the end from the beginning. In Mk. 13 Jesus tells the signs that mark the end of the age. Always, there is one warning. Be on Guard.
  • Many will come in His name leading many astray.
  • There will be wars and rumors of wars.
  • There will be earthquakes and famines.
As bad as these are, they are merely the beginning, the birth pains. Jesus is not returning yet, but there is more for the believer to observe.
  • The abomination of Desolation will be ruling.
  • There will be unbelievable tribulation.
  • Days will be shortened to preserve life.
  • False Christs and prophets will perform signs to lead people astray.
  • The normal course of the sun, moon, and stars will be altered.
  • The gospel must be proclaimed to the world.
After all this, then the Son of Man will come in the clouds with great glory and power to gather His own from the ends of the earth. This chapter ends with the definitive statement: Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. Believe Him. This will all happen, and when it is over, His words will remain. No wonder I should be on guard.

Teach me the truth in Your words. Help me to be on guard. Strengthen me to withstand what you have for me to endure.
In Jesus name,

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