Thursday, July 5, 2012


Mk. 14:30-31
And Jesus said to him, Truly, I tell you, this very night, before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times. But he said emphatically, If I must die with you, I will not deny you. And they all said the same thing.

Jesus and the disciples had just finished the Passover dinner and had shared the body and the cup. But how much of those moments did they really understand? Did they have an inkling of the intensity of what was to come? After singing a hymn, they went to the Mount of Olives where Jesus told them flat out that they would all fall away. What an affront to their human pride! In fact, Peter was so sure that even if everyone else would fall away, he would not!

Even though Peter had told Jesus that he knew he was the Son of God, he still doubted what He had said. Hadn't he seen Jesus do mighty things, supernatural things? Yet, in this instance, he didn't believe what He said. Often the most important insight and understanding comes through personal tragedy. For Peter, it was definitely so. He had to come to the end of himself before Jesus could be what He should be in Peter's life.

Jesus reassured him that he would indeed deny Him, and that his denial would be announced by a rooster. Still he refused to believe. Pride is so blinding! But also, Peter had never been in a situation like this before, a situation so drastically different from the solitude of the fishing boat. What would any person do in times like this? When it comes to survival, what decision would I make? Hopefully, God's grace would be my all and give me the strength and power to hold fast.

Peter's story also shows the wonderful forgiveness and restoration that Jesus makes possible. Peter did deny, but his life was not over. His weakness did not determine the course of his life negatively because Jesus is all about forgiveness and repentance. Certainly, Peter was a changed man. He went out in the power of the Spirit and spread the name of Jesus to many. And no doubt the grace of God became a reality in his life! His story also shows the weakness of human resolve. In my strength, I will fall and blunder. But in the power of God, I can be strong and stand.

Give me Your grace and strength to withstand any attack by Satan. Help to love and obey Jesus implicitly no matter the cost. Teach me to recognize and crucify my flesh and rely only on Your grace.
In Jesus name,

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