Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Humble and Contrite

Is. 66:1
Thus says the Lord; Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool; what is the house that you would build for me and what is the place of my rest?
The distance between God and man is unfathomable! What can a created being give back to the Creator? Works are not the answer whether it is building  a temple, a church, or finding something man thinks he can do for God. Perhaps this response originates with the way men treated their idols when they built temples or houses for each of their gods as a means of respect and worship. Sadly, all of this effort was wasted on a god that was completely powerless. Yet, God who is above all gods, who created all that is in existence, who set in course the laws of nature, who prescribed each detail of every day, and who knows man completely inside and out, is reaching out to man to bridge the separating gap, yet man still clings to his powerless gods. The most he can give God is a temple comparable to the temples of false gods. Sad, but true!
So the answer to this question is in verse 2. All these things my hand has made, and so all these things came to be, declares the Lord. But this is the one to whom I will look; he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word. God is not impressed with the outer appearance, with pomp and ceremony, or with equality with idols. God desires the hearts of mankind, a heart that is humble, contrite, and trembles at His word. Apparently, that is something very hard for man to give. He would rather do his own thing in his heart and just give a token ceremony or worship to God. But I am accountable for my heart. Is my heart humble and contrite? Do I fear the Lord? Do I realize the great power of His Word?
My heart is Yours. In humility and contrition, I seek to know You and obey You. Your word is so precious to me. Help me to know it more and more as I grow in Your grace.
In Jesus name,

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