Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Christ in Me

Col. 1:27-29
To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that He powerfully works in me.
Paul was given a specific stewardship from God--to make the Word of God fully known. The mystery that had been hidden for generations was his message, that is salvation for the Gentiles. God chose to make them His children just as He chose to make Christ known.  How mysterious is this great gift!  First there is the gift of salvation for the Gentiles when previously it was only Israel, and then the amazing fact that Christ dwells in them personally. The Son of God lives in me! How this should impact every area of my life!! It certainly changed Paul's life. He proclaimed this message everywhere he went no matter how it was received. Prison or beatings were no deterrent. I think this is because he too lived in the reality of Christ indwelling Him. His desire was to present everyone mature in Christ, in the Christ who was resident within each one. Paul knew that he must struggle with all his energy that Christ powerfully worked in him. And there it is this strange yet glorious blend of the energy of Christ and the energy of Paul. Is it the same for believers today? Definitely. I must work as powerfully as I can through the energy that He powerfully works in me. But how? I am beginning to see that it doesn't demand understanding, but it requires faith, faith that God will make this a reality. Just because it is difficult to understand is no excuse for inactivity. When Christ indwells me, then I must toil struggling with all His energy. Nowhere does this sound like laying back, instead the goal of maturity in Christ should be my number one goal.
Thank You for a gift so great! I know that I don't fully understand the how but I ask You to make it a reality in my life. Show me how to become spiritually mature in the Christ who lives in me. Show me how to toil struggling with all my might yet in His working in me.
In His name,

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