Monday, April 1, 2013

The Power of God

I Cor. 3:5
...that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.
Paul's life mission was to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. How does that look practically? Could it ever be a reality in my life? Paul went on to explain how he came to the Corinthians in weakness and fear with trembling. His speech and message were not considered plausible words of wisdom, but instead demonstrated the Spirit and wisdom! As I look at my own life, what is my mission. Could I say that it was Jesus Christ and Him crucified? Should I fear to share the gospel? Certainly, Paul said he came in weakness and trembling (pretty much how I would feel). But the message of the gospel was stronger and more powerful than any personal fear. What was Paul's overriding purpose? It was so his faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God! Where does my faith rest? Is it in what I know that I can do and accomplish, or is it in the power of God? Such a hard question...and so hard to discern. I know that what I can do is of no value, but still how do I take self our of my personal equation? I know that what God can do in me is of total value! I need to live in this reality. Put Christ and Him crucified first and foremost and then live my life practically (including sharing the gospel as well as the mundane) in His power.
These verses speak so clearly to my heart. I want to grow in Your strength and power and live for You each day. Teach me how to make this a reality. Thank You for this great gospel, Christ and Him crucified, and Your power and strength.
In Him,

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