Thursday, September 18, 2014


James 4:17
So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

We all make plans for months ahead, for vacations, for training, and even for our ministry. In truth, much time is filled up with making plans for our time. Even though we don't know what the future will bring, we make plans for our future. In essence we are boasting about what our future will hold. It would be bad enough if it was just foolishness, but it is far worse. It is evil! We are presuming on the future, a future that is created by God for His plan and purpose. Our lives are but a mist appearing for a time and then vanishing. James says that we ought to say, If the Lord wills, we will do this or that. It is not in the saying of the words because it could become an empty ritual. Instead it is in believing the words and acknowledging God and His sovereign will and plan. At any moment in time a life could be ended by a car accident, a random shot, a crazed killer. We have see these stories in the news. Life ended without a warning! Even though we know this, do we acknowledge it in the using of our time. God wants us to know His plan and purpose is first! No doubt if I acknowledged this truth it would take much of the frustration out of life. I wouldn't be upset how things turned out, how much I accomplished, or how far away the day ended from my plan. James ended this passage with a strong warning. If I know to do right and fail to do it, it is sin! 

I know this truth, but I don't often say it. I see the joy in acknowledging this fact, of being ready to accept Your plan for my day, and of resting in Your plan. This is where I want to be! I love You, Jesus.
In Your name,

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