Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Sound of Many Waters

Ezk. 43:2
 "And behold, the glory of the God of Israel was coming from the east. And the sound of his coming was like the sound of many waters, and the earth shone with his glory."

What is the sound of many waters? The first thing that comes to mind is Niagara Falls where the sound of the water is deafening and its force so powerful that it can be deadly. So much so that for the spectator to get near to the falls, he or she must wear rain gear and be on special platforms. The falls must be approached carefully and appreciated for its splendor, majesty, and great power. All of these descriptors apply to God as well: He is a force so powerful that He is life-changing; He must be approached covered in the blood and from the special platform of the gospel; He must be worshipped and revered for His splendor, majesty and power. What an image to cherish as I wait for Jesus to call me home!
As the glory of the Lord entered the temple, Ezekiel had to be lifted up and brought to the inner court by the Spirit of God where He watched the glory of the Lord fill the temple. Wow! Why? God told him that he was describe this to Israel so that they would be ashamed of their iniquities, so that He could come and dwell in their midst again, and so that His temple and holy mountain would be MOST HOLY. God consistently reaches out to Israel and to mankind. He wants to save, but His holiness cannot be ignored or defiled.
Thank You for this image of Your glory and for revealing Yourself in all of nature. Here I see Your majesty and power as well as Your judgment.
In Jesus name,

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