Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Being a Hindrance

Mt. 16:15-16
He said to them, But who do you say that I am? Simon Peter replied, You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.
How important was this statement! Jesus was so pleased that He stated that this fact was revealed to him, not by human flesh, but by the Father in heaven. I wonder how did Peter feel after getting such a positive comment. Certainly, he must have felt some degree of validation, maybe even importance in the circle of disciples.  But that wasn't all. Jesus said  to Peter that He would build His church on this rock, the rock Christ Jesus, the cornerstone. And to Peter He would give the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Not only that but whatever he bound in heaven would also be bound in heaven. Heady comments! What was Peter feeling now?
From this time on Jesus told His disciples about going to Jerusalem, suffering, dying and on the third day being raised.. Hard words! I am sure many wondered what would they do without Jesus. How could this be? No doubt  many were speechless. What to say to Jesus? But Peter, with His Father-given revelation, his keys to the kingdom in heaven, and his ability to bind things, pulled Jesus aside and said,  Far be it from You, Lord! This shall never happen to You. Jesus instantly replied, Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man. Oh dear, he has gone from the heights of glory to the depths of sin and shame. I know that the disciples didn't fully understand the things that Jesus was saying to them, but still to contradict, Jesus, the Jesus that Peter had just proclaimed as the Son of God! How fast spiritual victories go to our heads! We can plunge down into the flesh in a flash, in a word! That is why I must never set my mind anywhere but on the things of God. My emotions and dreams must never interfere with the will of God. This takes complete trust.
Give me the strength and the wisdom to chose and to set my mind on the things of God. Help me to rest in Your sovereign plan no matter how hard the particulars are for me. Feeling bad over a situation or even a person is not sufficient cause for me to step in and alter what You have set in place. I need Your strength, Lord. I need You constantly in view.
In His name,

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