Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Mt. 22: 14
For many are called but few are chosen.
Jesus is telling another parable about the kingdom of heaven. He compared heaven to a king [The Father] who gave a wedding feast for his son [Jesus]. He sent his servants to call those who were invited, but they refused [Israel-rejecting Jesus and crucifying Him]. A second time, he sent another servant to tell them that the meal was ready and they should come. But sadly they refused, some ignoring and others bringing physical harm to the servant. This angered the king and he sent his troops to destroy the people and burn their city[ judgment]. The king then told his servant that the feast was ready, but those invited were not worthy. So instead the king sent his servants out to the roads where they gathered all they could find, both bad and good [Gentiles]. The wedding hall was filled with guests [wedding feast of the Lamb]. When the king came to look at the guests, he saw one man without a wedding garment [the imputed righteousness of Christ]. The king examined ham and sent his servants to bind him and cast him into outer darkness [lake of fire]. Certainly, many are called, but few are chosen.
This parable reminds me of Mt. 7:21-23 where it says that not everyone who calls Jesus Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of the Father will enter. On that day, the day that Jesus calls His own, many will declare they have done mighty works in Jesus name [but not done through the Spirit or in newness of life], but Jesus will say, I never knew you, depart from me, you workers of lawlessness. Harsh! The only one who will go when Jesus calls is the one who is covered by His blood, saved by grace, and sheltered in His righteousness. These are the ones chosen before the foundation of the world.
As I read this parable, I am so thankful that You have chosen me, called me, and I have answered. I look forward to the wedding feast of Your Son, the Lamb. Thank You for clothing me in the right garment. While I wait for this day, grow me so that my daily life will be pleasing to You.
In Jesus name,

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