Friday, June 18, 2010

Gray Hair

Prov. 16:31
"Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life."
Speaking as someone who has gray hair, I do not always feel it is a crown of glory. Why is that? I think it has to do with comparison. As I look at others who are my age, I notice that usually I am the only one with gray hair. From a casual glance, others look so much younger than I do. When I think like this, I believe I have fallen into the trap of comparison [envy] and have let my pride flare. I am realizing that my gray hair is not the problem. My pride is the problem. Is God using my gray hair as a means to grow me in righteousness? Is He using it as a pride-o-meter exposing sinful patterns that are deeply buried?
I know that I have always thought that this verse referred to the life experience gained from maturing and progressing through life. It becomes a crown of glory because of the years of walking with Jesus, obeying the word, and growing in grace. It occurs to me now that it might be a crown of glory because it keeps me aware of my pride and my spiritual priorities. It keeps me focused on the spiritual issues that should consume my life and keeps my heart focused heavenward.
The idea of gray hair resulting from a righteous life is difficult for me since I know that there are people who are evil with gray hair, but here I think the proverb is talking about the gray hair that is a crown of glory. Specifically the gray hair that results from a righteous life is a crown of glory. Later in Prov. 20:29 it says that "the splendor of old men is their gray hair." I think that the gray hair refers to old age and service. Often when people become old, others and even the old people themselves think that they are not good for much of anything. They think their years of service are over as their focus is now the rocking chair. Instead old age should be a time of greater service. The gray hair is the crown of glory when it leads the way in service for Jesus and in bringing glory to His name.
Let me view life as you do. Keep my eyes focused on Your priorities and on bringing glory to Your name. Forgive me for my pride that ever seeks to pull me down.
In Jesus name,

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