Friday, March 30, 2012

Be Ready!

Mt. 24:44
Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.     

Concerning the day and hour that Jesus returns, no one knows, not the angels or Jesus Himself except for the Father. Interesting! Such a mystery how God the Father would know and God the Son would not! Yet, on to the part that I can understand...It will be like in the days of Noah, eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage. When Noah entered the ark, no one expected anything. Apparently, all those animals entering the ark was ignored too! The people in that time were totally unaware! The pursuit of life was all that mattered. But as Noah said, the flood came, and they were all swept away. How sad to think that for many people it will be this same way when Jesus returns!

When Jesus returns, two men will be in the field working, but only one will be taken. Two women will be grinding at the mill but only one will be taken. Because the taking will be swift and instantaneous, the warning is: Stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming! The Son of Man is coming at an hour you least expect. If it's unexpected, then watching for signs is not the answer. The answer is to be ready by being that faithful and wise servant.

What does it mean to be a faithful and wise servant? First, the servant is known by his transformed character. He is faithful and wise (Beatitudes) having been born again through the power of the blood and lives only by the power of the gospel. He is the servant that the Master has set over His household. He has a mission and a ministry that supersedes anything else he might do. His life has been redirected from his own pursuits to those of the Master. What is he to do? His purpose is to give others food at the proper time.  He is not only a feaster himself but a feeder of others. Finally, the servant obeys all that the Master says. Because of his obedience, he is blessed, blessed by the Master! What a life the servant possesses!

Keep me feasting and feeding. Help me to be Your obedient, faithful, and wise servant. Teach me how to be ready.
In Jesus name,

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