Saturday, April 23, 2011

Chosen Portion

Ps. 16:2
"I say to the Lord, 'You are my Lord; I have no good apart from You.'"

David's heart is full of joy because of his relationship with God. He knows that:
  • He has no good apart from God.
  • The Lord is his chosen portion and his cup.
  • The Lord holds his lot.
  • The Lord gives him counsel.
  • He has set the Lord always before him.
  • The Lord is his right hand.
  • The Lord will not abandon his soul to Sheol or see corruption.
  • The Lord made known the path of life.
  • The Lord's presence was fullness of joy.
  • The Lord's right hand is pleasure forevermore.
God is his all! Without God, he knows that he would be nothing:  lost, without portion or cup, without counsel, and abandoned to corruption. God has changed the focus of his life from death to abundant life, from lack of direction to perfect direction, and from solitariness to a companionship of joy and pleasure. It all sounds so good, and actually easy, but it is not! David had to choose this life by giving up control of his life to God. Many people are not able to do that because somehow they feel that they know best for their life. How foolish! Yet many times, I don't go to God for my counsel. I don't keep Him ever before myself. I still try and figure out what I should do instead of resting in His joy and pleasure, the joy and pleasure that comes from His perfect will and purpose for my life. To read about living this way is glorious, but to do it is another syself. My flesh wars with my spirit and tries constantly to cheat me out of this perfect relationship, but the wonderful thing is that it is possible through His grace. David's psalm gives me hope! 

Even though I choose You, my flesh needs constant defeating. Give me Your grace and strength for this constant struggle. I want to know other good but yours.
In Jesus name,

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