Wednesday, April 6, 2011

No King

Judges 21:25
"In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes."

Where was Israel without a king, either human or divine? Sadly, they did what was right in their own eyes. If everyone acted independently of the others and pleased themselves, then strife, conflict, and confusion would result. Specifically, the men of Gilead would be aggressively violent to others. The whole incident toward the Levite and his concubine ended with the nation going to war against the tribe of Benjamin, nearly eliminating one tribe. However, at the conclusion of the event the tribe of Benjamin was intact, and the others went back to their inheritances.

Where would I be without my King? No doubt, I would be doing what would be right in my own eyes. Without Jesus as my Lord and Master, all forms of evil would result. But thankfully, Jesus is my King and I have His Words as my guide and my lifeline. How revealing is this account about the heart of man! Without the King of Kings in the life, evil runs rampant. There is no hope for peace. As I look at the world around me, I see that men still are doing what is right in their own eyes. Mankind still needs a king, the King of Kings. Jesus is the only answer for the evil, selfish heart of man.

Keep my eyes on You, my King. Give me the strength to have Your grace be my all sufficiency for all things and at all times.
In Jesus name,

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