Sunday, April 10, 2011

Handsome and Tall

I Sam. 9:2
"And he had a son whose name was Saul, a handsome young man. There was not a man among the people of Israel more handsome than he. From his shoulders upward he was taller than any of the people."

Israel wanted a king. Who better than someone visually imposing, but should these be the requirements for kingship? Saul seemed to fit the bill since he was very tall and handsome. Indeed, he looked the part! But what about his character? The first incident that described Saul's character and prowess is when he was searching for his father's donkeys. After searching awhile, Saul was ready to go back home, to abandon the task, but his servant came up with the idea of talking to the man of God. Even though this was God's appointed time for Samuel and Saul to meet, what does it reveal about his character? What about his intelligence, problem solving, and perseverance?

After doing all Samuel commanded him, the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon him. Not only did He prophesy, but God gave him another heart. God was with him! When Samuel was ready to introduce Saul to the people as their king, he was nowhere to be found. He was hidden among the baggage! Even though he was afraid and reluctant to do what he was called and empowered to do, the people applauded and shouted, 'Long live the king.' Their desires were fulfilled.

Sadly, I see myself many times reflected in Saul. I have been chosen and called by God, given me a new heart with His Spirit living within me. Yet at times I am afraid of what God has called me to do. Sometimes I am at a loss about knowing what to do. Even though I am God's to be used by Him, I still have my flesh seeking to bring me down. Its power often undoes me and makes me entirely ineffective. Just like God's Spirit rushed upon Saul so His Spirit leads, guides, convicts, and teaches me. The crux is in the listening. When I am not listening to the Spirit, I will be hiding in the baggage or dumbfounded by the situation. God doesn't ask me to do His will alone or with my own strength, but in the power of His Spirit. His grace is perfected in my weakness. What am I to do? I must obey, believe, submit, and trust. 

Help me to be strong in You and Your grace and not to let my flesh rule my life. Keep me out of the baggage and of growing weary of the task. Give me Your grace in a mighty way.
In Jesus name,

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